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Luke startled awake, the sun hardly spilling through the window as he caught his breath. Hades daughter was here. He'd almost forgotten pulling himself to his feet with a stretch. He knew she'd be the talk of the camp, rumours spreading already.

Most of his cabin was still asleep, Luke pulling a shirt over his head. He clambered through the mess of teens scattered in the cabin, banging his hand on the door a few times met with groans. "Breakfast's in 10 minutes! Up, get up!" Luke nudged Chris, his half brother with his foot.

"Chris, get everyone else up will you." The boy rolled over annoyed nodding sleepily to Luke closing his eyes again. Luke didn't waste another second pulling Chris up by his shirt to his feet. "Now." He smirked, Chris covering her eyes from the light.

"Yes, yes whatever Luke, I will." Chris groaned, leaving Luke to leave the cabin, Chris's voice sounded minutes later. Luke fetched himself breakfast greeting teens as he moved to his usual table.

Demeter's kids ran the kitchen given their natural cooking ability and ability to harvest. Luke enjoyed most of the girls companies however most fawned over him every conversation and he'd usually get sick of it.

"Are you sure there's nothing else I can get you Luke." Harriet smiled, "I can you show where the best—

"Harriet, leave him alone, he doesn't want to go anyone with you." Dahlia stuck her tongue out at her sibling as she passed pulling Luke along with her, "Morning Luke, sorry bout her, she's just desperate." He shifted uncomfortably pulled into a seat beside Dahlia.

"Josie told me, that Ben told her that Annabeth was sneaking into Hades cabin this morning." Dahlia ate a piece of toast eagerly, gossip natural to her, "I hope she invited her over, or not, I'm not sure yet, she could curse us for all we know." Luke's quiet morning ceased to exist the twins argueing as they sat opposite.

"Dahl you hear? Annabeth's in—" Micheal begin sitting opposite to Dahlia, Jerry beside him stuffing his face with food.

"Hade's cabin, yes we heard." Luke smiled sourly pinching the bridge of his nose tiredly, "She's not a monster I'm sure, so Annabeth will be fine." He sighed eyes widened slightly when Annabeth in the distance left the cabin in the company of Hade's daughter.

Luke practically went into autopilot as the two girls headed over. He introduced himself he was sure and started a conversation but that was it. He was too busy waking up, considering his sleep schedule hadn't been the greatest for the past week.

After a while he noticed despite the food in front of the girl, Pandora, she hadn't touched it. He leaned in for a moment the scent of charred wood filling his nose, "Have you eaten yet?" The girl looked to him with wide eyes.

"Watch out." Dahlia's words caught Luke's attention a curse leaving his lips as the girl beside him turned. He groaned at the familiar stopping of Are's obnoxious children, Clarisse the first to stomp her way over. He went to stand pausing as he watched Pandora beat him to it standing the meet the girl.

"Hade's daughter was it?"

Luke didn't mind Clarisse's company in moderation but god was she headstrong. Luke looked beside to most of his table reminding seated afraid to go against Clarisse.

"You must Clarisse. I've heard so many good things about you. Daughter of Ares, God of..  what was it again."

Luke's eyes widened, Pandora was fighting back rather viciously he might add. Never had he seen new campers stand up to Are's kids especially Clarisse.


Luke stood quickly clambering over the seat moving to stand in between the two girls creating some distance. He couldn't help it, he felt bad for Pandora, it was only her first day after all.

He wasn't even sure what he had said too busy staring down at Pandora hoping to convey, 'Don't start anything'. She ignored him refusing to back off of Clarisse standing her ground.

"Watch your back death."

The threat flew over Pandora's head as a sarcastic laugh left lips. "Now how about breakfast?" Luke exhaled calmly hoping she would listen to him. She did hesitantly glaring at him heatedly before proceeding to seat down across the table.

Once seated Luke couldn't stop staring at Pandora, the girl who stood up to Clairsse. She had a scar on the right side of her face, similar to the one branded on his face. He thought he didn't change her appearance, she was still quite pretty.

He also noticed the darkness of her hair. It wasn't brown but it wasn't black. Almost a perfect balance, a dark brown, a light black he wasn't sure what to call it. Her eyes were similar the darkest of browns he had seen.

After some convincing she sat beside Annabeth eating breakfast for what looked like the first meal she had had in days. "Luke." He swivelled his head quietly to the girl beside him.

"She's really pretty." Rhea whispered, a soft smile tugging at his lips, "I could give her some thoughts about you Luke, so she falls in love." Rhea being Aphrodite's daughter could do a number of things. The first thing being matchmaking. She could put images in people's heads to entice them to fall in love. She could sense love whenever it happened.

"Please don't Rhea." Luke chuckled quietly leaning down to the girl, "I'm sure she doesn't want me mucking around in her head." He shook his head smirking at the young girl's suggesting.

Dahlia hadn't stopped talking to Pandora since the girl had sat down. Luke assumed she wanted to make a good impression. Dahlia's intentions were usually pure.

"Lukey boy." Micheal boasted gaining Luke's attention, "..perfect marks in.." Luke had zoned out a moment, a pitching screech through his head, "Hey." Micheal snapped his fingers in his face.

".. sorry mate what were you saying." He refrained from swearing, Rhea still beside him.

"It's our turn anyway, come on." Luke stood with his leftover food moving to the fireplace in the middle of the eating hall. He glanced back a moment waiting for Dahlia and the new girl however they seemed to be bickering.

Dahlia was trying to convince Pandora to complete her sacrifices but Pandora refused offering Dahlia the food instead to burn for her mother. After a moment Dahlia sighed in defeat which was rare moving past Luke with a plate.

Luke narrowed his eyes at the girl confused before he cast his gaze elsewhere, Pandora's eyes meeting his for a second. He never wanted to stop looking at her.

TONGUES & TEETH; Luke Castellan [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now