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Meeting the hateful eyes in front of her she crossed her arms, "Finally murdered me huh?" He smirked at the words leaning casually opposite her.

"How low do you think I'd stoop daughter?"  In the background she watched as Peresephone, Hades wife, argued with some sort of maid or servant.

"Hell type of low." She argued smartly scanning her eyes across the surroundings once again, "You set me up. Jackson doesn't have the bolt.. asshole." His eyes lit up enraged.

"I did none of the sort Pandora! He has the bolt I assure you. Poseidon intends to start a war and this is just some attempt to blame the underworld once again!" He boomed with his usual dramatics.

"So you're not the thief?" She spat distasteful feeling as though they'd had the conversation over and over again. It was picking at her sanity constantly.

"You think of me a thief!" A dark chuckle shook the walls as Persephone stopped her conversation to view the holographic vision of her husband's child. A dirty look was all Pandora received as the goddess paced off.

"It's not the first thing that comes to mind thinking of you father. Perhaps bastard is first." She laughed fakely at her own joke, tightening her fists.

"You're like a clone of me! It's fucking annoying." He ran an annoyed hand over his pale skin. This sentence got to Pandora as a bitter laugh left her lips again.

"Imagine my dismay when I found out you were my father not someone interesting like Athena-

"That's quite enough! Stay out of the underworld and I'll stay out of your head. Your timing isn't right." Before she question further she was pulled backwards and the underworld disappeared from her vision.


"Pandora." Annabeth's worried voice filled her head, "Wake up please." A pressure of her hand indicated someone was holding it. She felt a cloth brush against her face again, and her eyes fluttered open meeting Luke's.

"By gods, he's killed me hasn't he?" Annabeth snickered almost relieved as she collapsed into the seat beside the bed, "Don't all answer at once." She tried to sit up, stopped with Luke's hand.

"It's still in your system Pans, just lay down, hmm?" Reluctantly she slumped back into the sheets moving her hand to pinch the bridge of her nose. "How are you feeling Pandora." She closed her eyes pained.

"Here take some ambrosia." Annabeth practically shoved the little squares into Pandora's cold fingers, "You've had a little but some more couldn't hurt." Pandora held them softly but didn't make an effort to bring than to her mouth.

"Pandora, what happened?" She seemed hesitant to spill looking towards Annabeth perched over her. Luke sent Annabeth a comforting look, causing the girl to squeeze Pandora's hand once more disappearing out the room.

"Didn't have to send her away, it's nothing interesting." Luke nodded beside her, thinking it over. He didn't exactly look pleased rubbing his jaw awkwardly.

"..you almost killed yourself Pandora." He whispered softly as he sat beside the cot, his hands in his lap, "finding you in Clarisse's arm half-dead, you don't understand." She couldn't help herself as the words left her lips.

"Sorry to be a bother keeping you up like this. Keeping you on your toes that sort of thing." She managed to keep a straight face as she played with the loose string from her camp shirt.

"Pandora you're not-" He realised she was reciting his words from the other night. His lips tilted into a small smile as below him Pandora grinned smugly. He couldn't help but widen his grin as a laugh left Pandora filling the tense room.

"Talking to me again are we Castellan?" This time she did sit up without his help almost pulling herself to her feet if it wasn't for his calloused hand stopping her again.

"Keep moving and I'll strap you to that bed." Luke raised his brows and she laughed again. The sweet, genuine laugh he had learned to crave.

"Gods, don't tempt me." She moved to her side as her expression shifted back to serious, "They're leaving tomorrow aren't they?" He nodded slowly offering her a comforting hand on her wrist.

"Get some rest and eat those, you'll get to see them off princess." With an annoyed huff of breath she brought the ambrosia to her mouth, "Good. Thought I'd have to force feed you." He smirked leaning against the bed lazily.

"Didn't take you as an abusive type Castellan." She stuck her tongue out sliding forward to hang her legs off the side. Sat beside each other she noticed he was still tense. Clutching his hand in hers he loosened up a bit, "I'm okay Luke truly, just a set back." Squeezing his hand once more he stood.

"Sleep a bit Pans, we can talk later hmm?" He turned losing her hand as he moved to the open door, "Oh, and Pandora, don't contact him again."

TONGUES & TEETH; Luke Castellan [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now