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Pandora didn't like her birthday. Her mother never celebrated it with her, so she decided she wouldn't. All it meant was she was one year closer to being an adult. In which she'd have to figure her life out.

Reaper snored rather louder she thought for a creature as she stepped over the huge hound descending the stairs. It was still early, the sun hadn't risen as Pandora showered hastily changing for the day.

She sat on the porch of the dark cabin she had been living in, the sun hardly peeking above the lake in the distance. "Early start death." A scoff left Pandora's lips as she tied her shoelaces.

"Morning Clarisse." Pandora found great joy at her reaction to the gesture, Pandora standing stretching her legs tiredly for a moment. "I'm guessing you woke up on the wrong side of the bed.. again." She smirked, an odd expression on Clarisse's face.

"I wanted to..." Her fact contorted in disgust like she was struggling to speak, "it's- it's not easy for me to.. to admit when I'm in the.. in the wrong." She had almost shuddered at the word, Pandora stifling a laugh.

"What i'm trying to say is—

"I'd rather you not drop dead in front of me from the word Clarisse, but I accept your 'wrong'," Pandora knew Luke had something to do with the horrid apology Clarisse had tried to convey.

"I shouldn't have said the stuff about your dad, it's not like my father was there for the first 15 years." She scoffed rolling her ankles across the wooden porch for a moment before her feet hit the dirt path.

"Truce." Pandora extended her hand, hesitantly Clarisse shaking her head before she hurried back off to her cabin. Pandora cursed quietly shaking her hand out after she was Clarisse's strong grip had broken her knuckles. At least she wouldn't have to go against the girl again.

Pandora thought she may as well wait for the sun to rise, her back leant against the cabin wall as she waited. Finally the camp was blinded with light and her feet made their way to the eating hall.

Eating breakfast quietly was her favourite part of camp, most of her friends sleeping through the morning. This morning however she wasn't alone, Luke slumping into the seat beside her their legs touching.

"Why are you up at this ungodly hour princess." His head rested in his hands as he rubbed his eyes sleepily, his hair messily splayed across his face.

"I suppose I just woke up." Pandora shrugged bringing an apple to her lips off her plate, ignoring the blush that creeped onto her cheeks. She hoped, Luke would think the red was because she had just woken up.

"'Just woke up.'" Luke mocked resting one side of his face on his hand his fingers fiddling with Pandora's wrist on the table. She watched as he ran his finger along her pale skin, along the thin lines along her hand. "Free day today, what's your plans?" She could hardly focus on his words, exhaling softly as she watched his movements.

"Chiron wants me too.." His fingers brushed over the tops of her fingers, her other hand still clutching her apple, "Wants me to practice my control over.. well this." The hall only filled with Luke, and a few others Pandora's finger lit up burning the apple from her fingertips.

"Want help?" Luke yawned again removing his fingers from hers, her red cheeks still very much visible. "I'm already good at everything." He bragged earning himself a playful shove from Pandora.

"No, I'm fine." Pandora brushed the ash off of her fingers, replacing the apple with a slice of toast bringing it to her lips.

"Sorry I'll rephrase." He sighed tilting his body to face her slightly, "I'm so good at everything that I'm bored and want to help you, permission granted?" She smiled nodding her head before her smile disappeared. He didn't know it was her birthday he couldn't of, so why was trying so desperately to hang out with her.

TONGUES & TEETH; Luke Castellan [ 1 ]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα