< HIM & I >

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She watched his face twitch again, her brows knitted together stressfully. She'd begun to notice, almost every night Luke slept less and less. Haunting by nightmares, he'd never tell her what. He flinched once more before gasping awake gripping onto the side of the bed shakily.

His eyes met hers a moment and he calmed, steadying his breathes. "Tell me." She demanded watching him repeat his usual brushing his hands across his face, blinking a few times to wake himself up. "Tell me what you saw." He rubbed his jaw hesitantly.

"Nothing different than usual." He brushed it off, Pandora stopping him from fleeing, a strong grip on his arm. "Pandora—"

"Tell me." She wouldn't give up. Not this time. He exhaled softly, fighting with himself struggling to explain.

"Just some stupid voice, something.. something dark. Telling me about my destiny or fate I guess." He leant his head against the headboard, "There's, there's this god." He trusted her more than anything but he couldn't spill, not just yet. "He's been in my head for months, since before the winter solstice." Pandora narrowed her eyes listening intently.

"Who is it.. not.. not my father right." His words sounded too familiar. He shook his head slumping back against the sheets. She wanted to question him further but resisted. She knew he was still exhausted.

"Go back to sleep Luke, we can talk after you get some sleep, okay?" He nodded wearily minutes later soft snores returning to fill the cabin.

Pandora wasn't as lucky getting back to sleep. Slipping from the sheets she already knew she'd be up. However Annabeth seemed to reside outside another cabin.

After Dahlia's nagging all day she reluctantly made her way over to the pair.
As soon as she grew close, Percy sprung to his feet as if Pandora would kill him then and there, "Calm yourself Percy Jackson, I'm not going to kill you, tonight any way." Annabeth laughed comforting Percy enough to sit back down.

"Gotten over your rampage yet Pandora." The older girl nodded at Annabeth's words,
"Pretty sure half of camp was scared of you today." Percy was still eyeing her hesitantly.

"I'm sorry." Reluctantly the apology spilled from her lips, "Truly, my anger can get the better of me Jackson." She fidgetted, "I'm sure you know my father." Percy didn't seem as worried anymore extended his hands behind his back beside Annabeth once again.

"Why'd you think I had the bolt." Percy accused still irritated by the incident. She knew she liked him, he was proud.

"He said you did." She mumbled softly, leaning back on her heels. Her father had set her up she was sure some sort of gag.

"..Hades?" Percy obviously was still trying to wrap his head around the camp. She knew the feeling all too well considering she'd been in his position 2 years prior.

"I don't know if he has it Percy Jackson, but you'll need a whole lot of luck to come back alive. I'll try my best but he typically summons me to the underworld, I can't get in. Not at the moment anyway." She sighed nodding her head to the pair as she wandered back towards her cabin.

The true reason she wanted to stay in her cabin was to get into the underworld. To accuse her father of making a villain of his daughter. She tried many times but couldn't seem to even contact her father.

Closing the cabin door softly, voices filled the floor. Nobody else would enter, so who the hell was Luke talking to.

"I need more time! It's hard enough hiding from my friends-

"-No -No they are my friends, you don't change that."

Confused she was quick to ascend the stairs, "Not now- she's back." Luke sat back on the bed, his head in his hands waiting anxiously.

"Who're talking to?" She hushed, taking a few hesitant steps further into the room.

"uh.. my- my father." She scrunched her brows, his father? Luke hated his father, why would he talk to him, even if Hermes forced himself in the room.

"Your father? Hermes?" She muttered in disbelief lowering her tone when she noticed he was rather distraught, "Is this the voice? But you're- you're awake? How-"

"I don't know Pandora." He stood desperate to be rid of the conversation. Moving past her, his hands met her waist and she shivered. His hands were freezing, almost as if he had left a freezer.

"Don't walk away from me! Where are you going?" She followed him down the steps the sudden distant irritated her.

"Back to my cabin, I shouldn't be keeping you up with my pathetic nightmares." He mumbled under his breath making way for the door.

"Hey! Hey, stop! What's wrong? Why are you acting like this?" She turned him around and he visible tensed, "Castellan." He brushed her hands off.

"Just go to bed Pandora I'm being a bother, I'll see you in the morning." With the words he turned away again and opened the door.

"Luke!" He had muttered a few things in greek before he left, Pandora making out the curses as the door shut.

TONGUES & TEETH; Luke Castellan [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now