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"This is a stupid idea." Clarisse smirked at Pandora's words raising her spear. Sword fighting between the pair had become a regular occurrence. Most of the time they hated each other. Made it easy to fight fiercely.

"Scared death." Pandora's eyes lit up and she swung meeting Clarisse's electric spear with her flamed one. Across the arena, occasionally Luke's eyes would drift to the two girls. He was teaching sword fighting for his cabin once again, this time Percy Jackson opposite to him.

Percy's eyes wandered over the arena occasionally too. He hadn't seen the blue flames that consumed Pandora's skin, neither the electrical currents along Clarisse's spear.

"Keep your guard up Percy." Luke hardly went easy on Percy, whacking him at any given chance. Perhaps it was because he wished he was across the arena teaching Pandora what Clarisse seemed to be explaining. He focused back in on Percy, "Not that far... lunge.. not too far Jackson!" By the time the pair were finished sparring for a moment both teens were coated in sweat.

Luke brought iced water to his face, lifting his shirt to dry his face. He smirked when he noticed Clarisse had gotten a good hit on Pandora almost pushing her to the ground. Most likely because the eyes were trained to Luke's exposed form.

"Okay, everyone circle up!" Luke ordered returning to his training, only after winking at the flustered girl across the arena. "If Percy doesn't mind, I want to give you a little demo." He wanted to see what Percy had, to see what danger he had been warned about the boy.

He was to demonstrate a disarming technique; how to twist the enemy's blade with the flat of your own sword so that he had no choice but to drop his weapon.

"It is difficult." He stressed, "I've had it used against me, so don't go laughing at Percy." He scolded noticing some of his half siblings had begun snickering, "Most swordsmen have to work years to master this technique." He twisted his sword in a particular way that the sword in Percy's arm clattered to the ground.

Percy picked up his sword and returned to a fighting stance, "Now in real time, ready Percy?" With a nod Luke jolted forward, aiming for the hilt of Percy's sword. Percy countered, stepping forward with a thrust of his own sword. Luke deflected it with ease, suddenly his hits growing more violent as his eyes narrowed.

In the distance Pandora didn't seem to have enjoyed Luke's show. With a quick tug, her camp shirt had been pulled over her head. She remained in a sports bra and her shorts. Across from her Clarisse whistled playfully.

"Looking good, girl." The girl praised distracted Pandora a moment before their weapons met again. Luke tried not to let himself distracted as his guard dropped and Percy struck.

Using his own disarming manoeuvre, Percy knocked Luke's sword from his grip. The sword clattered to the ground and the entire of Cabin 11 grew silent. Luke's eyes flickered between sparring Pandora and Percy as he caught his breath.

"Uh.. sorry." Percy's words stunned Luke a moment as his jaw fell ajar.

"Sorry?" His scarred face broke into a grin, "By the gods Percy, don't be sorry." Luke laughed, "Show me that again!" Percy was hesitant but enacted the movement, Luke copying him and Percy's sword skidding across the floor.

Luke despite the distraction was impressed with Percy's skill wiping the sweat from his brow. "I'd love to see what Percy can do with a balanced sword." He dismissed his cabin and waited patiently.

Clarisse disarmed Pandora once again leaving both girls panting. He watched the girls shake hands, their own form of a truce before Clarisse collecting her belongings exiting the arena.

Pandora's back hit the dusty arena wall and she slid to the ground with an exhale. She was exhausted but well trained. Clarisse was a good teacher. Before Luke walked over she wiped the sweat from her brows and tidied her hair. It was a small action, she did it for herself.. mostly.

"You distracted me." He announced rather matter of factly collapsing to the ground opposite to her, his legs extended and his hands behind his back. "Percy disarmed me." He added, still shocked at the boy's skill.

"He's better than you, I'm sure." She teased, an offended expression taking to Luke's face, "D'know he blew up the toilet unit the other day." He raised his brows. He had heard of the incident but had brushed it off.

"You're right, he's a lot better than I was at his age." Reluctantly he agreed. It hurt his pride.

"Lot better than I am now, don't take it to heart." She nudged him from her sat position against the wall. "I think you're pretty great." He leant across connecting their lips together. His hand cupped her face as the pair shuffled closer, the clearing of a throat jolting them apart.

"Lovebirds, canoe races start in 5. Thought I should let you know." Jerry smirked wandering back out of the arena. With a frustrated sigh, Luke pulled himself to his feet. He couldn't stop his win streak.

TONGUES & TEETH; Luke Castellan [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now