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"I can run, but I can't hide from my family line."

Nobody talked to the girl of death for a week. Then two weeks. Then three. It was partially her fault she had only attended classes before retreating back to her cabin.
The twins had managed to exchange a few words with her before Dahlia hoarding them away, the girl still angry about the incident. Annabeth still adored Pandora as well but Pandora hardly wanted to stick around.

She hadn't talked to Luke since she kicked him out despite his many attempts. She'd ignore his knocking for hours, Reaper almost permanently sleeping on the porch stopping unwanted visitors.

Luke had also been leaving food for her on the doorstep for days. Sometimes she'd take it otherwise she'd starve wishing someone told her what her life was supposed to be.

By the fourth week she had packed a bag. "Have you tried to contact your father, Miss Walker." Chiron beckoned to the sleep deprived teen, dark circles coating her eyes.

"By burning food? Fat lot of luck that'd give me." She didn't mean to sound so rude but being alone for most of the month had made her snappy, "I want to go to the underworld." Chiron seemed to ponder the thought.

"We can't keep you here. But you won't be safe Pandora." The use of her first name scared her slightly, "Monsters are most drawn to forbidden children, especially in the underworld. I'd advise you against it, I don't think you will make it alive without this." A small pearl rolled against the desk, Pandora snatching hastily.

"There's multiply pathways to the underworld, your father left this." A key was next tossed into Pandora's open hand. "It opens a doorway to the underworld, if you wish to return use the pearl." Pandora couldn't help but smile at her simple trip.

"You're welcome back at camp whenever you wish Miss Walker." Chiron nodded nonchalantly, "Have a safe journey." He hadn't even finished before Pandora fled from the office pacing towards her cabin.

"Pandora." She didn't stop continuing the short walk, "Pandora stop please." She neared her cabin rolling the pearl between her thumbs. "Pandora." His tone shifted more a demand then a beckon.

"I'm leaving." She turned to face him, "I'm going to underworld, I don't know if I'm coming back." She blurted out, stomping back up the porch to the house.

"Are you serious." Luke scoffed, looking wounded his eyes cast across her face. "Pandora you can't leave." He exhaled.

"I'm leaving." She pushed exhaling shakily, "Perhaps I'll see you in another life Castellan." Pandora finished pulling the open collecting her bag beside the door, "Reaper." The hound bounded out of the house followed loyally beside her as Luke continued to trail after her.

"Pandora I need you to listen to me, this silent treatment can be figured out. The twins and Dahlia they miss you. Especially Rhea and Annabeth." Pandora continued weaving through the trees looking for a clearer exit. "I miss you Pandora." He shouted, pausing Pandora's feet for a moment.

"Luke, you deserve better than me." She laughed dryly, "I'm the daughter of Hades, I deserve to be alone." She continued to laugh almost like she had come into terms with her life.

"Pandora, it is mental you believe that. You're not going find answers in the underworld, that place will fucking—"

"Destroy me... I burnt down the first three schools I went. Did you know pets around my neighbourhood used to die once they'd come into contact with me. Students disappearing.. you know those fucking scars Luke." He flinched at her tone, "She did that because of the things I did. The things I caused. I fucking belong in the underworld." She exhaled contently, his face falling displaying his hurt.

"You're going to die Pandora." He somewhat whispered his eyes wide, "I need you alive Pandora, we all do." Pandora turned facing the opposite way. "I don't want you to leave, I'm begging you Pandora don't—"

The key in her fingers turned and a doorway opened filled with darkness. Reaper was the first to bound through the tension between the teens evident.

"I'll see you when I get back Luke, alive I hope." She couldn't look him in the eye as she stepped through disappearing into the darkness of the underworld.

TONGUES & TEETH; Luke Castellan [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now