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"Hello Jerry." Startled, the son of Apollo flew back flying straight over the nearest bench tumbling to the ground, "That was rather dramatic." She hovered over him as Jerry rubbed the back of his head. Another second he finally came to his senses scrambling to his feet.

"Pandora! Pandora oh hey! I haven't seen you-

"Since you killed my dog." He paled taken back by the straight forward approach, "You're forgiven." With a turn of her heel she begun to walk away. Jerry was quick catching up to her, still rather nervous.

"Pandora I swear I didn't know-" He stuttered

"You're forgiven Jerry, stop worrying yourself. It's disgusting you're sweating everywhere." She groaned avoiding his touch, "Besides he'll come back eventually." She tilted her head a moment.

"Merlin, you sound like Heather." He chuckled, "Glad to have you back Dora." He ruffled her hair, his usual playfulness returning.

"Try that again red." She referred to his hair, earning herself a playful laugh from him, "Now, off with you hmm? I have more important things to do." She couldn't help but smile dropping her facade as she split off heading towards the forest.

After more rumours circled of her father, 'the lightning thief', Pandora was determined to prove their innocence. Luke had avoided her most of the day after walking out of her. He was stressed and she didn't know why. Another problem to her never ending ones.

She'd been in the forest for hours before someone called her name nearby. "Come on you useless prick." She had named every curse she knew as she struggled to open some sort of portal of sorts to the underworld.

Thankfully her cabin was filled with books of spells and curses. Tricks like shadow travelling and entrances to the underworld.
Unfortunately shadow travelling wasn't an option the symptoms including comas, sleeping for weeks and more importantly never waking up. They didn't particularly appeal to her.

Another technique she'd been trying was summoning dark matter. Over and over again draining her as she supported herself on an oak tree beside her. The plants  littered around her had shrivelled up and darkened, her practicing a dark method.

Hearing her name called again she decided to give it one more go. One more time and she'd give up. She brought her hands together again attempting to string together, some sort of matter once again. Darkness filled her fingertips as her eyes lit up. 'Father, let me in you gutless coward.' Slowly a portral in her hands widened and she went to display it in front of her.

"Pandora!" In the distance she heard Luke call her name for the third time, he hadn't seen her but he was close. She strained further attempting to widen the display failing as her shaky fingers begun twitching. "Come on, come on, come on." She pleaded, she felt tears wet her face. It was killing her, must she needed just one more second.

Suddenly the portal snapped shut and Pandora was blasted back landing roughly on the ground. Something was wrong, she spluttered a few gasps. "Luke!" She cried holding her chest.

Try it again, and I'll kill you, daughter.

Poison filled her veins and infiltrated her lungs. "Fucking bastard." She pulled herself up sucking more airs into her lungs. Sweat clung to her pale skin and tears had dried against her skin. She needed to get an antidote quick. Pulling herself to her feet she clung to the nearest tree.

The poisons spread further across her chest and soon she could hardly feel her fingers. "Luke!" She shouted again, to no response.
The only other call for help she could think of was a whistle. The same they'd use in war games. Pulling her fingers to her lips a loud whistle echoed through the woods.

Another second of silence she dragged her feet further towards camp. She was sure she was to hit the ground when another voice entered the midst.

"Woah there death." Clarisse held Pandora upright, "What's- by the gods." She cursed noticing her eyes had rolled back, Clarisse practically holding her upright. "Hey death, Walker!" She tapped her cheeks but Pandora lost consciousness.

TONGUES & TEETH; Luke Castellan [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now