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He couldn't get her out of his head. The softness of her skin against his calloused fingers. The rough fingertips he had been fighting with for years. Luke extended his arms again, beside him Jerry shoving him playfully.

"Stop embarrassing me, shoot properly Castellan." He referred to the seven missed shots, Luke had already shot. The twins were the best archers he knew, courtesy of their father Apollo. THUD. The arrow missed again, Jerry groaning as his feet sunk to the ground.

"Fuck." Luke dropped the bow to his side scanning his eyes across the terrain to distract himself.

"What's the problem man." Jerry stood rubbing his eyes wearily, "Is it your dad again?" Luke stiffened his fingers tightening around the bow, his other hand grabbing another arrow.

"Haven't even thought about him." He shot just off the target once again, Jerry once again acting as if the arrow had pierced his own heart. "Just not my day clearly." He huffed returning the arrow. "Besides I have a class to teach soon anyway." Luke picked up his own sword, Jerry catching up to him.

"Seriously though, what's the problem Luke." Luke tried to ignore him, although he couldn't help himself.

"It's that girl." He mumbled rubbing his jaw as he paused, "I can't get her out of my head." Jerry smirking patting Luke on the shoulder, as he glanced around a moment.

"Fucks sake Lukey, Micheal called it." Jerry clenched his jaw, a smirk on his face, "I owe him now." Luke shifted out of Jerry's grip, a disgusted expression on his face.

"Betting on me again Jer, seriously." Jerry put his hands up in defeat, "That's not the point." He exhaled, "I can't sleep, I can't train, I find myself worrying about her constantly and frankly she doesn't give a fuck about me." Jerry widened his eyes pursing his lips in thought.

"I don't know what to tell you man, make a move, couldn't hurt." Jerry shrugged continuing beside Luke, "Or I suppose it could." He smirked looking across to view the girl currently indulged in fighting 10 year old Annabeth.

Luke went to move towards the pair stopped by Jerry's hand. "Have a class to teach remember." He smirked Luke rubbing his neck as he awkwardly shuffled away towards the younger kids he was supposed to be training.

Luke loved teaching the younger kids, sparring skills. It made him feel important, like he was needed at camp. "Like that Ben, that's great." His eyes drifted in the distance Annabeth disarming Pandora again, causing the older girl to bring her hands to her face in annoyance.

"Rhea, we don't stab our siblings yes?" The arrogant girl smirked towards Luke, waving her sword playfully, "That's fine, try and beat me then Rhea." The girl paled a fraction still sizing him up her wooden sword extended.

With a challenging smirk Luke raised his own meeting hers and few times as they went back and forth. Rhea was sloppy, swinging too viciously Luke flicking the sword from her fingers with ease. Rhea gave a dirty look as usual before another voice entered the midst.

"Pick on someone your own age would you?" She knew how to get a rise out of people especially Luke, "Annabeth's been teaching me, I believe round two's in order." Pandora held one hand behind her back, her sword drawn towards him. Rhea seemed impressed with Pandora stepping back to watch Annabeth joining her.

"Don't cry when I beat you princess." He laughed, Pandora jolting forward to swing towards his sword. They met a moment before Luke pushed her back a few steps almost disarming her, Pandora's grip strong. She had learned since their last sparring, she didn't move her arms so much rather her body. Like he'd told her.

He lunged forward aiming for Pandora's left side in which she deflected the move countering with a jab to his shoulder. His eyes widened at the quick thinking, his eyes drifted from her sword to her features.

When she focused, she always narrowed her eyebrows. Luke stumbled a moment as she met his skin again, her braided hair swinging behind her. Luke regained his footing however his gaze once again drifted to Pandora's face. A few strands of hair had come loose, splayed across her forehead.

Pandora, noticing Luke's distraction, seized the opportunity striking a few times. With one final move, Luke felt the sword leave his grip tumbling to the floor. A few cheers erupted from the onlookers, a loud whistle coming from the twins, who were across the training grounds laughing at Luke's loss.

"Unlucky Castellan, perhaps I should teach your class." She brushed the loose hairs back, her face flushed with exertion. She extended her head which Luke chuckled in disbelief shaking it fairly.

"Yeah, yeah you got me fair and square." She picked up his sword handing it to him ignoring the faint blush on his cheeks. "Keep training princess, you're getting better." She scoffed pulling Annabeth along with her as the two girls retreated leaving Luke to his teachings.

TONGUES & TEETH; Luke Castellan [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now