Ch.2: Back to Seoul

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Taehyung pov

"kimchiii". I said while holding a phone for a selfie and childrens around me started to smile for a picture.
After spending a few minutes with them I went out to see Bogum sitting Inside his car and waving to me.
I smiled and went near him.
"You came at the current time which I gave". I said while hopping inside the car.
"I'm very punctual you know". He said and started to drive.
"Yeah I know I know".
"Seriously Taehyung, how much do you love her? I mean, you never celebrated your birthday the way you celebrate hers. You go to an orphanage and cut the cake with childrens on her birthday. Then you'll be having a brighter smile throughout the day than your actual birthday but still you will not wish her a happy birthday".
I just smiled. I mean he's right. Her birthday is my favourite day but still i will not wish her.
"What kind of love is this?". Bogum asked me.
"Love? Hmmm..I don't know, maybe forbidden? that's what they call in books".
"What if she has already forgotten you? What if she's already been in a relationship?".
"That will not happen".
"How are you so confident?".
"I believe in my love".
"Taehyung, if anybody listens to your talks they'll think Yn is your Ex".
"Yes, she is. But not Ex..but I don't know.I don't know how to name our relationship.But even though it was a childhood friendship we had some kind of tension. You know hate-love relationships? Same like that. She used to hate me alot whenever I say to study. Then she used to bring me chocolates. I still have no idea whether she loved me or hated me in childhood. But one thing was for sure, I was so special to her. And for me, Whenever she was with me, I was happy".
"Still you broke her heart and came here?".
"Situation, Bogum. You'll not understand that. I mean how can you when you never fell in love". I talked in teasy way.
"Ayyy!!!". He shouted.

"Seriously? Today also you have to play golf?C'mon Taehyung, let's play football together with friends". Bogum asked me as I was taking out my golf stick.
I just winked at him and threw my phone towards him while he effortlessly catched it.
"Good catch!". I said and walked towards the golf course.
"When will you play football with me?". He asked me while following.
"Maybe when you get a girlfriend".
"As if you have one".
"So funny! I laughed a lot". I said and went away from him.

I'll never play football nor touch that ball. If I see that ball, all I get is a nightmare of that day.

I shook my head removing all the thoughts and started to play golf.
After a few minutes, I turned towards Bogum and saw him scrolling phone. What's irritating is he's scrolling on my phone. Probably watching Instagram reels. He always loves to use my data.
Is he not Playing football?
I thought and saw that other friends were already playing football.
I signed deeply and focused on my game.
"TAEHYUNG!!!!". I heard Bogum shouting my name as I turned to see him running towards me.
"Why are you running? Did you see frog today too?".
"Not a frog but a nightmare".
"I think you have to see this". He said handing me my phone.
"Look at Yn's story". He said.
"Bogum!! I told you many times not to check her story right?".
"Omg Taehyung, just watch it already".
I gave him one last glare and clicked her story.
Suddenly my eyes widened.

"Unfortunately the things which I said in the morning became true, Taehyung. She got a boyfriend".
"This- this is impossible. Maybe it's a dare for her".
"No, Taehyung. I'm damn sure someone proposed to her. I mean that's what a man does right? They'll propose to a girl on her birthday. And look, she posted a story too".

"I said yes? Seriously? She- Don't tell me she got a boyfriend!! I'm literally leading my every fucking second in paris missing her. I'm ghosting every single girl who proposed to me but she got a boyfriend? I literally have my whole bedroom wall covered with her picture and this girl forgot my existence itself?? I thought that she still likes me. Oh god!!!!!".

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