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I went straight home after that scene unfolded.

My embarrassment around Niki had settled around it's highest now.

First the accidental airport hug, then the identification card, and now the argument with my own boyfriend.

It's only going to get worse from there, all of a sudden, my life has just been completely stepped on and ripped apart.

I threw myself onto my sofa, heaving a large sigh as I stared at my ceiling, wondering what to even do in the Min-kyu case.

I couldn't just break up with him, after all, he's my boyfriend of almost two years and I love him, I think anyways.

I wasn't sure of my feelings anymore, especially after that scene, I understand arguments were 'normal' for relationships however the way he became slightly violent made me wonder what he'd do if we weren't in a public space.

I pulled out my purse from my bag, taking out the polaroid of the two of us and staring at it.

Damn, what got into him recently?

I exhaled loudly, placing the polaroid onto the table and leaving it there. Instead, to take my mind off things, I was just going to paint away.

I walked up to my studio, not really wanting to sit in there, so instead, I grabbed the easel and a plain white canvas, dragging it downstairs and situating it somewhere suitable. I dragged a stool and my paints and started to paint.

I didn't know where I was going with it, I just proceeded to slash a few strokes of paint onto the white canvas and go from there, and surprisingly, it worked.

Midway through, a knock interrupted me from my distraction. I dread even opening the door, in fear that it might be Min-kyu to bother me once again.

Reluctantly, I stood up, checking through the peephole. My heart sank down to the floor, my gut was correct, and Min-kyu was just stood before me on the other side of the door, waiting for me to open it.

His knocks persisted though, so I was left with no choice but to open the door.

I swung the door open, and he stared intently at me. I glared back at him, not even wanting to see him that much. Normally, I'd be wanting to see him eagerly, but right now? Not at all.

"Let's talk this out." He offered, but didn't even let me respond before letting himself in. I rolled my eyes lightly as he walked past me.

"What do you want." I stood a bit of a distance away from him, crossing my arms while still holding the paintbrush.

"Why are you so eager to show your face, you know guys like the one from before will try and hit on you." He started, and already, I could tell it wouldn't end well.

"Where is the logic in that? What?" I honestly had no idea what he was even talking about, "I'm eager to show my face because I want to show people that I'm actually an artist, I want the recognition I deserve, why the fuck do you not want me to show my face, and don't just say 'to protect me.'" I groaned, having enough of his bullshit already.

"You already do get the recognition! You don't understand how fame will affect you, you can't handle it Mei, you're too weak!" Min-kyu once again spoke nonsense that just made me continually roll my eyes.

"Weak? I won't understand how fame will affect me? Min-kyu what are you even saying?" I gave a brief laugh, just completely shocked from his sudden attitude switch.

"Without me you're too weak, I won't be here to protect you all the time, and now imagine if many other men are after you too because you're a pretty artist, then what?!" His words seemed to roll over onto much much worse ones.

I really thought the words coming out of his mouth couldn't get worse, but I suppose I was wrong about that.

".. Min-kyu I don't think I want to see you right now." I had mixed feelings, completely uncertain and I felt almost nauseous.

He stood up trying to move closer towards me.

"What? What did I say? Mei, you know it's true!" He tried to grasp for my hand but I pushed him away, just disgusted that I spent almost two whole years with a guy who thinks I'm nothing without him.

"It's not true, what the fuck? You've been out of the country most of the time we were dating, and what, I'm still living and successful now, aren't I?" I scoffed, shaking my head as he lightly clenched his fists.

"You don't fucking understand! Jesus christ, see this is what I mean, you're not at the mental capacity yet to understand my words." He groaned loudly his frustration penting up.

"Get the fuck out of here Min-kyu, like, right now." I attempted to kick him out, but he wouldn't listen, and instead, continued to argue with me.

riki.nishimura → airport hugWhere stories live. Discover now