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Boyoung had arranged a little gathering, initially it was just another 'date' between her and Niki, but Niki insisted on bringing Sunoo and me, he claimed it'd prosper my social life, which he always stood affirmative that I 'didn't have' one.

I changed into a pretty outfit, I was a little wary on going out in public, but inevitably, wherever I'd go or whatever I'd do, there'd probably be at least one person to approach me.

My phone pinged as I finished getting everything ready, I checked who it was.

niki: are you done are you done are you done are you done

niki: are you done

niki: are you done

niki: hurrrrryyyyyyyyy

niki: im waitinggggggggg

mei: oh my god im literally coming downstairs right now you impatient motherfucker

mei: how the hell did you even become a surgeon

niki: ;)

I shook my head with a grin, heading downstairs and leaving the house. Obviously, Niki was just leant on his car before my drive, on his phone.

He looked up as he heard the door behind me shut. He immediately slid his phone into his pocket, a smirk crossing his face as I walked closer to him.

Niki's eyes trailed down from head to toe, then he looked back at my face, his lips parting and eyes sparkling.

"Don't drool too hard." I scoffed, opening the passenger's side of his car as he gave a quick laugh, heading into the driver's side.

Not so long after, Sunoo ran out, sitting in the back.

He started the car, driving off to the first spot we were going, it was a museum. I don't remember the last time I even went to a museum, but I guess Boyoung wanted to have a cute little museum date.

Sunoo held the headrest of my chair, peeking out in between the two of us.

"I'm gonna feel like a real sophisticated guy at the museum. Gonna have my hands behind my back, walking around as if I know shit all about the bones of a dead dinosaur." Sunoo spoke, I gave a laugh at his words.

"Maybe you'll be able to find your sophisticated lady there, who knows." I responded with, and Sunoo gave a small thought.

"Aw that'd be cute, imagine bonding over the dead corpse of a pharaoh, so romantic." He added in which I gave another laugh to.

We had all made it to the museum, and upon approaching the entrance, Boyoung was stood waiting, waving with a cute smile.

"Hey girl! I feel like I haven't seen you in so long." She gave me a quick hug, before looking at Niki.

"Hey." Niki said, "This is Sunoo, one of my best friends."

Boyoung flashed a quick smile at Sunoo, primarily focusing on Niki more than anyone.

We head in, Niki and Boyoung were stood in front of us, and then I was talking with Sunoo behind them.

"Is this the girl Niki was on a date with last time?" Sunoo whispered, leaning a little closer towards me.

I nodded my head, still painful to admit it, but it's the truth.

He nodded his head lightly, the corners of his lips downturned a little, almost as if he was disappointed it was her.

"Why? What's the expression for?" I inquired, just wondering maybe if he liked Boyoung.

"Nothing, I just would've thought you two would've been something more, but nevermind I guess." He replied, and I kid you not, I had to bite my tongue in order to stop my smile from protruding out of my lips.

See, even Sunoo could see that I was supposed to be there, not Boyoung. But I guess it's whatever, I'll get over it eventually.

We walked around the museum a little, it was pretty interesting for the most part, a huge dinosaur bone sculpture was stood directly in the middle of the museum.

But not only that, we went our separate ways, I was walking around, on my own, whereas the others I believed to have gone together somewhere else. I stumbled upon an area, that had paintings from years ago, famous paintings by worldwide known artists.

I stood before one, it was absolutely huge. It would've been at least four of my biggest canvases. It was one made sometime in the 1800s, and I just stared at it, the oil painting was so beautiful.

This artist was one of my biggest inspirations in my works. But seeing it in person, was just wow. I stood there, in awe, taking in all of the beautiful detailing in the painting. I didn't even think I would be able to paint something like this in my entire life, even if I tried.

I couldn't even fathom how long this must've took.

I admired the painting a little more, then continued to walk around that exact area, staring at various other paintings, only til a voice interrupt.

riki.nishimura → airport hugWhere stories live. Discover now