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I managed to get a few hours of sleep, peacefully, actually.

But now I had to get everything ready for the showcase, it was an event bigger than I expected, seriously. I knew it'd be big, but the venue was absolutely massive and gorgeous.

It was like a huge orchestral theatre.

I handed the two paintings I was going to give the gallery to my manager, she transported them safely to the place as I got ready.

I decided today would be the day, among hundreds of people, and tons of cameras.

I changed into a long, yet flowy, black dress, the ribbon straps dainty and cute. I didn't want to completely go over the top and show myself to be some kind of extremely fancy woman, so instead, I went with classy and cute.

You can't go wrong with that combo really.

The dress accentuated my figure well, and with the addition of a necklace, made me look even better. I fixed my hair and touched up my makeup, this was really nerve wracking for me, wondering how the public would feel about this sudden reveal.

But, nonetheless, I slipped my heels on, I do not remember the last time I wore heels, but for definite, I would not be wearing heels for another good few weeks after this.

Before leaving the house, I stared at myself for a good while, making sure everything looked very elegant and perfect. I took a deep breath in as I stared at my face, okay, well, it can't be too bad.

Last but not least, I grabbed a matching, small clutch bag, the entire outfit was complete - and no denial - I looked astounding.

My assistant said she'd pick me up in a car instead, so I just had to wait for her beep that signalled she was here.

And just as I was about to leave, a honk from outside of my gates signified that she was here. I hurriedly left the house, damn, heels are so weird to walk in after not wearing them for a good while.

The anxiety built up in my stomach, and truthfully, I thought I was going to throw up beforehand. But I got ahold of myself, trying to dismiss this feeling.

At the same time as I left my gate, another person left their house too. He looked over at me, his lips gently parted as he gazed at me from head to toe.

He himself, was dressed up in a full black tux, his t-shirt was black, blazer was black, pants were black, everything. Goddamn he looked good.

"HIRATA, COME ON! WE'LL BE LATE!" My assistant yelled after rolling down the window. I cut my gaze off him, and he did the same, heading into his car as I did the exact same.

Where the hell is this guy going? To a wedding?

Upon driving to the venue, I couldn't help but think about him. Him in that attire, why the hell was he in my mind right now, and why the fuck was I admiring him so much lately.

But he really did look so fine in that suit, seriously.

"Who was that guy?" My assistant randomly mentioned as if she could read my mind. I sat up straight from leaning on the window, looking at her, a little frightened at how she lowkey read my mind.

"Huh? The one in the tux?" I asked her, stupidly.

"Yeah, he's really attractive, do you know him?" She added, and to be honest, she was not lying. Anybody could say he's attractive.

"Eh, sort of. He's just my neighbour - a doctor, sorry, a surgeon, if you will." I had a faint smile drawn onto my lips, just thinking at how offended he might be if I don't mention his specific career.

"A surgeon? Damn, and they are that fine? I might have to break a leg or something." My assistant chuckled as she pulled into the parking lot of the venue, already, there were quite a lot of cars parked and people waiting.

Tell me about it, I might just have to break an arm too just so he could take care of me. I stepped out of the car, wondering what the hell that thought was about.

I shook it off immediately, astounded by my own mind. This was crazy now, I had to take control of my thoughts.

"Well, Hirata, big reveal today, let's go through the staff only entrance because there's a lot of people here and I don't want to give anybody any spoilers yet." She put her arm around me, guiding me to the staff entrance where we walked in and got the first look of the venue.

Damn, it was so beautiful.

It was so huge, so luxurious and I can't even imagine my own artworks being here. To go from a humble, standard family who could barely afford basic necessities, to having artworks displayed in multimillion buildings was so surreal to me.

Well, I suppose there's a first for everything.

riki.nishimura → airport hugWhere stories live. Discover now