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I genuinely thought I was going to throw up walking towards the stage. I walked through halls and finally, the entrance to the main stage. I head up the stairs, all eyes were on me, and cameras weren't flicking.

People just stared as I stood in the middle, adjusting the microphone to my level. It was deathly silent, so silent that I thought my legs were going to give in.

I scattered my eyes across the entire venue, there were SO many people, like unfathomably loads.

"You are probably wondering who I am." I started confidently, "My name is Mei Hirata, I am the artist behind all of the Hirata collection, proudly being showcased in this venue today." I introduced myself, and immediately, cameras snapped faster than ever.

There was flickering every second, and chatter, and cheer, and whatever else noise.

I swallowed hard as the talking persisted.

"I have worked with this association, and produced two pieces of art to be displayed here. It may be a shock to you all, after all these years of being so unknown, I suddenly reveal the artist behind the art." I chuckled, feeling a lot more confident in my speech now that I even slowly walked around the front of the stage.

Everybody's eyes were on me, the cameras were still flicking, people had their phones out.

"It was time after all, after a long seven years of hiding in my paintings, here I am, in today's showcase, I hope you all enjoy the two new pieces of art I have made." I scanned the front of the venue, a familiar face catching my eye.

No way. No way he was right there, right here, a smug smirk printed on his face as he stared directly at me. He folded his arms, making eye contact with me.

I cleared my throat, the beating in my heart returning. I had to look away from him and snap back to reality.

"Thank you all for the support, regardless if you have seen me before or not, the love has been unconditional, and each day, I try my hardest to do better. Once again, I am Mei Hirata, and I hope you enjoy the art today." I put the microphone back on the stand, giving a deep, long bow as the founder approached me on the stage.

He took the microphone, putting his arm around me and standing beside me with a smile.

"It is so amazing to have such a gorgeous artist represent our institution, the showcase will start soon, if you would like to take pictures with Hirata, or speak with her, that can be organised later, of course, if she is comfortable." He looked at me, aiming the microphone at me.

"Yes, of course, feel free to approach me anytime, I do not mind." I smiled as I gave another slight bow, heading off the stage and towards the back of the stage.

Before I left, a few screams and yells were heard.

"MEI I LOVE YOU!" A male voice yelled, followed by an agreeing cheer.

"ARE YOU SINGLE?!" Another appeared, I simply chuckled, glancing back at the front seats, where Niki was just sat, staring at me despite the founder of the place speaking.

I hurried to the back of the stage, heading towards the lounge room where I gave the deepest breath out ever, my assistant ran towards me with the hugest smile I've ever seen her have.

She held me by my shoulders, jumping and squealing in excitement.

"MEI! YOU DID IT!! Oh my god, we've already had so many more profile views, there are already posts and articles on you, Mei, oh my god!!" She jumped, about to even start crying out of joy.

"I thought I was going to collapse on that stage." I threw myself onto a nearby seat, leaning my head back and giving a long sigh, it was a cool experience, but very scary.

And Niki? Why the fuck is he here? Does he not have people to operate on or what?

He seemed to be on my mind a lot more frequently, and it was a very weird feeling. I hated it, but then at the same time, I wanted him a little more day by day.

God, I think I am seriously losing my mind.

The minutes passed by rather quick, and before I knew it, the showcase was starting and people were probably waiting to take pictures with me, sign autographs and whatever else people wanted from me.

My assistant ushered me out of the lounge room, as much as I wanted to just laze around in here, I couldn't unfortunately.

I made my way towards the area where the showcase was happening, fixing my hair slightly as I made my way to the place.

It was huge, paintings dotted around walls, put in glass boxes and what not. And of course, an area dedicated to my two paintings, it drew the most attention.

"Hirata!" A voice caused people to turn around and head towards me.

riki.nishimura → airport hugWhere stories live. Discover now