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So with that in mind, we stopped painting, we were basically almost done with the collection of paintings. It wasn't tremendously difficult, and to be honest, time passed quickly when the two of us were painting.

It was fun, we talked about things, laughed, joked, made fun of others, simply, had a good time together.

We stepped out of my house, heading out. The same time as we did, Sunoo came from his house, about to head into his car.

He looked over to me, then glanced over at Taecyeon. Sunoo stared at him from head to toe, not cracking a smile at him at all.

I approached him, wondering what's up. 

"Hey Sunoo, what's going on?" I smiled as he gave a slight grin, still clearly eyeing Taecyeon judgementally.

"Ah, not much, you guys done with painting?" Sunoo solely focused on me, not even bothering to look at Taecyeon, let alone greet him.

"No, we're going for drinks, need a little break." I yawned as he nodded his head.

"Where abouts? I might join you guys later." He chuckled, I didn't think Sunoo liked Taecyeon, I wasn't sure why, maybe the two had some unresolved past together - but regardless, the two never exchanged words between each other.

"Eh, just that one newly renovated club in town." I told him, Sunoo nodded, approving.

"Now that one is good, just be careful because there's a lot of people that go there." Sunoo warned, and I nodded.

With that, he head into his car, driving off and disappearing into the streets. It left me and Taecyeon alone, we began walking towards the designated club, talking amongst each other so casually.

"Hey, Taecyeon, do you have a girlfriend by any chance?" I mentioned, cause I know I mentioned Niki a lot to him, and he knew about my love life, I just never knew about his.

He gave a chuckle, looking to the ground before continuing to face forward.

"Ah, Mei." He gave a sigh, "I don't unfortunately, I do have a girl on mind though, I've known her for months now, I just don't have the chance to talk to her." He began, and I pressed my lips together, damn, that must really suck for him.

"Really? How come? If you've known her for months." I continued asking him about this, thank god it wasn't me because that would've been awkward.

"Well I do talk to her occasionally, she's always busy, but I do believe she's the one for me." Taecyeon gave a sullen chuckle, clearly this topic was a soft spot for him.

"That's a big thing to believe considering you rarely talk to her." I chuckled, and he gave a brief moment of laughter, nodding his head.

"I know, ah, I'm just gonna drink my heart away. Hey, an idea, let's just drink for my unfortunate love life, and your overseas boyfriend." Taecyeon offered, and I agreed with his statement.

"Absolutely." We both head into the club, the booming music, lights, people cheering and so on.

We weren't here for the dancing or the music, but solely for the drinks and the good time.

We sat on the stools, leaning on the bartender table as the man came up to us, wondering what we'd like to drink.

After the first few shots, I felt fine, we were talking, loosening up and laughing with each other. I was pretty glad that people didn't recognise us so much, thank god for the dimness in the club.

"Seriously, what would you do if Niki didn't come back for another four weeks? Would you seriously go?" Taecyeon asked, looking over at me as I thought.

"Yeah absolutely, I love him too much. I'm already dreading this week left, it was supposed to be today, but whatever I guess." I gave an irritated sigh, rolling my eyes with attitude as Taecyeon laughed at me.

"So cute, now give me relationship advice, seriously, I don't wanna end up alone." Taecyeon gave a chuckle, looking at me with hope in his eyes.

I took another shot, turning to face him and crossing a leg over the other.

"Speak up, let me tell you what to do, come on." I smirked, as he began to tell me his situation.

"Okay, so, for like, a good few months now. I know this girl, I know what she likes, what she doesn't, I know her, she's pretty, funny, she's just great - okay? And like, I talk to her quite a lot, but I just don't know how to get her to like me." He gave an exasperated sigh, as if he needed to get it out.

"Do you know whether she likes you or not?" I asked him, now taking a sip of my drink, a few more sips and I think I'll be dancing on one of the poles like the dancers in this exact club.

He looked down, taking a sip of his drink too.

"I have no idea, that's why I'm consulting the expert over here." He gave me a smile as I chuckled, man, what a guy.

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