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Bidding was pretty simple, the director hosted this instead, because I just didn't want to.

I sat down in the front seats, people still taking photos of me and staring at me instead of focusing on what the director was talking about.

"So, the first canvas of the Hirata Oriental Collection, will be this one." The director took a smaller canvas off a staff member handing it to her.

It was an illustration of a Japanese temple, not to mention that it took me so long to make it look so perfect, to be honest I think I would've started bidding for my own paintings if I kept staring at it like that.

"$10,000!" A voice shouted out, and here came the bidding.

People shouted numbers, higher and higher by the second. Damn, I had no idea so many people had cash to spend on a singular painting like that.

But I guess that's what art culture is like.

The painting sold for $45,000. And oh my god, no matter how many years I've been in this industry, I don't think I would be able to comprehend and accustom to how much my paintings sell for.

After a short while, most of my paintings were sold, and I'm literally gonna be a millionaire coming out of this building, it was crazy how desperate people were.

There was one last painting left, a big canvas. It was a painting of my hometown, details down to the exact. Matter of fact, it was the canvas that Niki pointed to.

And although it made me sad that he couldn't have it, I suppose I could've always painted him one specifically for him.

I watched the director gently take the canvas, propping it up at the front so everyone could see it clearly. I think it was my favourite painting in my whole life - so far anyways. Though I haven't been back in my hometown in a good few years, the painting just replicates that homely feeling to me exactly.

Damn, I'm seriously gonna start bidding on my own painting in a second.

Amidst my thoughts, the bidding had already started, and people were already shouting high prices.

"Fifty thousand!" Someone shouted, it was silent for a second, before another shouted out.

"One hundred thousand." There was a cocky attitude to whoever shouted that one out.

It was silent, and the person almost won the bid, up until a voice interject.

"Five hundred thousand." A male voice spoke out, assertive and confident. I furrowed my brows, these people are lunatics, seriously.

Who the hell was this guy?

"Sold! Five hundred thousand, to Mr Nishimura, in the back over there." The director exclaimed, and upon hearing his name, I shot my head back, seeing Niki stood leant on the wall of the room, a smirk on his face as he looked at me.

I stood up, heading up over to him as the bidding came to a close, people sighing and groaning over not getting some paintings.

"Niki? What the hell is wrong with you??" I gave a chuckle, wondering what the hell he was doing here, and also why the hell he bought a painting I could've given him for free.

"I like to spoil my girlfriend." He came across so calm and collected over this, although he just spent another half million on my paintings.

"Oh my god, you need to learn how to make smart purchases." I had a bright smile, seeing him here unexpectedly was heart warming.

"This was my smartest purchase, I don't see what you mean." He chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as he stared down at me.

"I thought you had work too..?" I had an irresistible smile on my face, looking up at him with sparkles beaming straight from my eyes.

"I lied, I wanted to surprise you. You think I would ever be too busy to attend an exhibition? Please Mei, it feels like you don't even know me." Niki scoffed, placing his hands on either sides of my hips.

"Man, I can't believe that just from me hugging the wrong person at the airport, I met the love of my life." I chuckled, the world works in crazy ways. Niki nodded with a gentle smile.

"You know, to this day, I still have no idea how you managed to hug the wrong guy at the airport." Niki teased lightly, and I just rolled my eyes.

"It happens okay? God, you two were wearing the same outfits at the time and I couldn't distinguish who was who." I told him, crossing my arms.

"It happens?? It happens???? What, you've hugged numerous guys at the airport before??" Niki gave a small laugh, looking at me.

"Yeah, thousands for your information." I replied to him, his lips curved into a sweet smile, just staring down at me with pure joy.

"Well, for your information, I'm gonna be the only guy you'll be hugging, so you better get used to it." Niki leant in, planting a kiss on my forehead before we walked out of the exhibition together.



finished this too woogooohooooo

sorry ending was kinda lame i had no ideas i just wanted to get this done and over with cause mfs are getting pissy with me for not updating (kys)



but anyways

thank u for reading once again

i hope you enjoyed 

anyways with that note

have a lovely day/night


riki.nishimura → airport hugWhere stories live. Discover now