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After that series of unfortunate events had unfolded, the rest of the weeks lounged by just fine. Instead of doing a collaboration with another artist, I was on another solo project - which I had no problem with.

Niki wandered into the studio, looking over at the completed portraits I was touching up.

"I want this one, how much will it be?" He asked, pointing to a specific canvas.

I turned around, with a small smile.

"Just take it." I simply told him, and he just scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Come on, name your price, don't be nice Mei - how much do you want?" Niki had a smirk on his face, glancing over at me and then back at the painting.

"Jesus, aren't you stubborn?" I rolled my eyes, focusing back on my current canvas.

"Oh come on, you're acting as if I didn't spend half a million on your paintings before we even began dating." Niki scoffed, subtle flex but okay.

"You know I still can't believe you just had money to waste like that, you're fucking weird." I chuckled as he gave a light smile.

"Whatever you say Mei, I'm heading out to work for a bit." Niki suddenly spoke, I stopped painting, looking over at him.

"Wait I thought you were gonna come to the exhibition today?" I felt a little disappointment seep into my body.

"I'm sorry Mei, I can't. I'll be there for the next one, I promise." He planted a kiss on my forehead before leaving in a hurry.

Damn, it kind of sucked having a boyfriend who was a surgeon, he worked long hours, came back home tired sometimes, and was called to work at the most random times.

But there were also many plus sides, so I suppose it all cancels out.

I was busy anyways, I'll see him after the exhibition.

With that in mind, I finished the last painting exactly on time. I made sure they were all perfect, and then proceeded to carefully transport them to the place where they were being displayed.

"It feels good to actually have nobody out for my head on a stick." I spoke, looking around at the workers putting the paintings on the walls and so on.

"I'm really sorry about all those events. I feel like that was all caused by me." The director meekly rest her hand on the nape of her neck, looking down sheepishly.

"It's whatever to be honest, I mean, life continues. Good thing it's all over now." I gave a sigh of relief, thank god that I won't encounter any more psychopaths in my career anymore.

"Is your boyfriend not here?" The director brought up, and I just shook my head, followed with a small sigh.

"No, he's busy with work currently, I thought he would've been able to come, but his job is rather serious so he can't just deny coming in." I told her, the paintings had finally been hung and the staff were now quickly decorating the place according to the theme.

"From a woman to another woman, let me tell you, that man gives me very good vibes. Seriously, waaaay better than Min-kyu." The director whispered to me with a laugh, and I turned to look at her after her comment.

She was damn right.

"Oh trust me, I know." I chuckled along, the atmosphere light and friendly.

Briefly afterwards, the exhibition opened, people swarming in eagerly to fill the very limited spaces. Of course with that, came journalists and cameras - and despite the warnings at the front of the building, saying that filming wasn't allowed - did people care? Not a single bit.

Well, it was inevitable, besides, I don't blame them.

I stood at the front, adjusting the microphone as people eagerly waited and watched, snapping pictures, videos and so on.

"Welcome to my Oriental Collection, pieces derived straight from my culture and hometown." I smiled, the faces of awe-stricken people just gazing into me.

"Here, you will explore the wonders of Japan, my place and culture is a thing I cherish a lot, and I hope you are able to see the vision I see through my paintings." I finished my short speech, dismissing the others.

As I stepped down from the front, people ran around the exhibition, taking photos, looking around frantically. But most importantly, there were quite a few people asking me questions and taking pictures of me.

Jesus, maybe I should paint myself instead.

But as I looked around, I was really disappointed to see that Niki actually wasn't here, and that he was busy at the hospital. I mean yeah, I understand, but still, it would've been nice to have him here - especially since we both come from the same country.

But oh well, he promised me to be here in the next exhibition I hold, so that's a positive note.

After a while of looking around, it was time for the bidding to start.

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