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Over the next course of the weeks, me and Taecyeon had been working together on a collection of paintings.

Despite the fact they looked good, one thing bothered me.

It was always that Taecyeon insisted that we paint at my house, in my studio, never his. I have no idea why, but he'd always have an excuse to not come over to his studio instead.

I grew curious, but out of decency, I never questioned him upon it.

Maybe he didn't have as big as a studio, or the quality of equipment? Or maybe his house wasn't the best? Regardless, I didn't complain nor judge, just complied and got with the work.

Niki was coming home soon enough, and he was right, the weeks passed by quicker than I would think they would. And though the video calls and phone calls weren't enough for me to see or hear him - I was pretty consumed with work to manage just about.

Me and Taecyeon managed to develop a pretty comfortable bond. It wasn't anything romantic, he never insinuated anything remotely romantic, never tried to make advances on me whatsoever, he always kept his distance and never was touchy.

And thank god for someone normal for once.

Amidst a painting session with him, I finally decided to ask him what has been bothering me for a while.

"Taecyeon, how come we never paint at your studio?" I inquired, looking over at him as he gave me a small smile.

"My studio is too small for two people to work in, besides, my house is pretty much a huge burden of mess, it's embarrassingly huge and I have no motivation of cleaning it yet." He told me, and I just nodded my head, continuing with painting.

"Oh, alright." I shrugged it off, but for some reason, that feeling again, that feeling of uncertainty.

I could just feel something in my body, that it wasn't that, and there was more to it.

But again, was I ever going to question him upon it? Probably not. It'd be a nuisance if someone kept insisting that you were lying and there was more to it.

I'm pretty sure this feeling was just from not seeing Niki enough, normally, seeing him makes me feel less empty, but recently, I've just felt like something is missing.

Out of the blue, I received a phone call. I looked to who it was, and to my surprise, it was Niki himself. I smiled at the contact, and Taecyeon looked over at me, lips pressed together.

"Sorry, it's Niki, I'll be right back." I gave another quick smile to Taecyeon, he watched as I left my studio, heading to my room in order to pick up the call.

I answered, wondering what the spontaneous call was about, it must be late at night for him right now.

"Hey Niki! What's up?" I started, wanting to hear his voice.

'I have bad news.' He answered, and that was never a good sign. I was preparing myself for the worst.

"Why.. what?" I just hoped that he was at least alive and well, whatever he had to tell me.

'I know I said I'd be back by tomorrow-ish, but they've extended my stay for another week. So I won't be back until next week. I'm sorry baby.' He apologised, and I could literally feel the dropping of my heart.

I swear, I just felt it sink straight down to my feet.

"What? Why? Really??" I sulked, wow, I was getting so excited to finish this collection, then see Niki tomorrow. But nevermind, another week without him.

He gave a sigh from the other side.

'I know - the research is taking longer than anticipated. I miss you, it sucks sleeping on an empty bed.' I could hear him give a pitiful chuckle after that.

In the background, I could hear some loud noise, I wasn't quite sure what it was, but it sounded as if he was outside or something like that.

"So do I, but I guess I can wait another week. But make sure it's no longer, cause I'm seriously thinking about getting those plane tickets to America." I chuckled, I could hear him give a gentle laugh from the other side.

Damn, how much I missed this man was unbelievable.

'Don't worry baby, I'll be back before you even know it. Stay safe okay?'

And after a short minute of saying goodbye, I hung up, heading back over to the studio in disappointment.

Taecyeon looked over at me, seeing the evident disappointment and dismay on my face. He put his paintbrush down.

"Is he staying over for longer?" He seemed to read it straight off my face, and I gave sigh with a nod.

"Yeah, he was supposed to come back tomorrow, or maybe even late today, but he has to stay another week." My shoulders hung low, and I lost the motivation to even continue painting.

"Damn, that fucking sucks, would it be crazy to actually buy tickets and fly out to America, like.. tomorrow?" Taecyeon mentioned, and I gave a laugh, looking at him.

"Seriously? You think we have the time for that, don't worry, I can wait a bit longer I suppose." I put my paintbrush down, "How about we just go for drinks instead?"

"I'm on board with that idea."

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