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"Oh, hello, Mei Hirata." I introduced myself to the man who the director offered a collaboration with.

He was a man of my age, tall and well built. He flashed me a smile, pure joy radiating in his eyes -okay, he seems pretty cool I suppose.

"Kim Taecyeon, I'm a huge fan of your works, really beautiful." He smiled, giving a small bow as I gave a chuckle.

"Thank you, yours are.. quite interesting too." I tried my best to not sound too rude.

"Okay, listen you two. I do believe that a collaboration between your art styles will be revolutionary, just imagine - the softness of Hirata's paintings, and the boldness of yours. The two will add perfectly." The director spoke as if she was waiting for this moment for years.

We both looked at her blankly, wondering whether she was okay or not.

"Uhh.. I mean.. we already agreed on this.. but yes.. revolutionary.." Taecyeon gave an unsure chuckle, looking over at me and wondering if the director was crazy.

I gave a small laugh at his face, looking back over to the director.

"Oh. Yes, you already agreed, okay.." She cleared her throat, realising she was sounding very passionate about this thing, "Well, I'm looking forward to seeing the outcome!"


Taecyeon and I decided to go out to a cafe to talk about how the designs will look, how many pieces and so on.

The conversation was solely work based, up until he changed the topic.

"I heard that your assistant stole your paintings." He mentioned as I chuckled, nodding my head with a sigh.

"Yeah, unfortunately, I mean, I feel for the girl - she said she always worked under everyone her whole life, and I guess the only thing that would make her feel better, was to bring me down to her level." I swirled my coffee around, just looking at it.

I wonder how the girl was doing, I really did believe she didn't mean for it to end like this, but oh well, she got what she deserved I suppose.

Actions do come with consequences after all.

"You're a sympathetic girl. I don't know if I could sympathise with someone if they did that to my paintings." Taecyeon stared at me, a light smile across his lips.

I felt a little uncomfortable with the amount of staring he was doing, but, I guess I have to adapt and overcome.

"I mean I don't know. She did try taking my boyfriend away, and then did ruin my paintings. For some reason, I just don't hate her." I gave another sigh, this topic made me feel a little sad.

"You have a boyfriend? Oh? I didn't hear about that." Taecyeon gave a short laugh, changing the topic again.

I flashed him a light smile, for some reason, I had a very uncertain feeling about this guy. Maybe I was just judging him because he wasn't Niki, but either way, I don't think I'd feel safe being alone with this guy.

"Yeah, he's a surgeon, currently he's on a trip abroad." I managed to give a genuine smile, thinking about his cute ass face.

"Damn, you must miss him. I couldn't imagine if I had to leave my significant other for a few weeks, shit must be hard, how'd you cope?" He began talking more casually with me, and to be honest, that kind of eased my suspicions on him a little.

I managed to relax finally.

"Funny thing, I don't." I shrugged, giving a smile, "Should I just fly out to The States? I'm that desperate." I added as he gave a brief moment of laughter.

"Do it after our collaboration, because your director will kill me if I don't finish this. You know it's an honour to work with such a famous artist like you Hirata." Taecyeon gave me a compliment, to which I gave him a faint smile.

"Well, I suppose we should probably get working on the ideas we said, I think it'd be a pretty cool outcome. Initially, I was unsure, but now I have a good feeling about this." I said, placing my cup to the side and smiling at him.

He gave an eager nod, ready to get to work with me. I could see the excitement glisten in his eyes, and to be honest, I felt more excited than I thought I'd be, I'm glad that he's not weird.

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