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Niki, Min-kyu and I had devised a plan that consisted of Min-kyu texting Boyoung. A general summary was that Min-kyu would come over to Boyoung's place, so that she could show him the paintings that Boyoung stole from me, and amidst that, we'd storm in and confrontation would occur.

Currently, we were just waiting for Min-kyu to get ready for the plan. I still wasn't sure whether I was going to drop charges for him, or just let him go with a fine, I had no idea.

He did wrong me, but he didn't do anything really to break the law, I guess.

"What's on your mind?" Niki asked, cutting me out of my daze.

"I don't know, should we let Min-kyu go?" I sighed, leaning my chin on the palm of my hand. I don't know why it was such a hard decision, sympathy is my worst enemy.

"Whatever you do, I'll be happy with, just as long as we get to live happily after all of this." Niki leant on my bed, staring at the ceiling as I lay back too, he put his arm around me, pulling me closer to him.

"Do you think it's a good idea to let him go?" I inquired, really hoping that this plan would work out in the end and we can both live in peace.

"I mean, as much as I hate the guy, he didn't really do anything against the law, he did think he was helping so." Niki shrugged as I lay on his chest, just in a state of thought.

"I guess you're right, I'll just let him go then." I huffed, feeling completely exhausted.

I still couldn't fathom that Boyoung was really behind all of this. I had my gut feeling - yes - but for it to be actually true? And for her to use my ex-boyfriend to help her with this crime too?

What the hell was she getting out of this? And what was the entire point anyways??

"I just want to get Boyoung caught, then life will be good." Niki gave a small groan, running his fingers through my hair.

"I still don't understand why she'd stoop to such a level, I mean, we've been working together for years on end, and now suddenly she's pulling stunts like this??" I gave a sigh of disappointment, I really did consider Boyoung a close friend.

She had never revealed my identity - or at least I didn't think she did, she didn't take any paintings of mine up until now, she had always helped at the galleries, and always supported me.

So why the switch up.

Niki raised his head up slightly to look at me just staring into space.

"She's jealous Mei, so jealous." He chuckled, leaning his head back down.

"Over what?" I asked him, and he just gave a short laugh.

"You, who else, I can see why. You have the best boyfriend, your significant other is so good looking, the person you're with is so talented and smart, your future husband is just the greatest and he's a surgeon, your future baby daddy is just the greatest man on earth." Niki started talking, and I lift my head up from his chest to stare him down.

"I would argue with you but I fear that you're right." I lay my head back down on his chest with a grin as he gave me a big hug, this guy was too cute.


Finally, the plan was rolling, Min-kyu entered Boyoung's house to see the paintings, and as he observed them Boyoung went to the bathroom, in which Min-kyu used this short moment to open the front door to let us in.

He scurried back to where the paintings were, and as Boyoung walked out, back towards Min-kyu, we walked in.

I stormed right to the paintings, the exact ones that were stolen. The ones with graffiti too, Boyoung stood there, frozen, eyes wide open as she had no idea what was going on.

"Are you serious?" I had no words, simply, I let out a bitter chuckle.

Niki dialed for a number, then hung up, and then for another.

"Mei, how did you-" She looked over to Min-kyu, "You did this." She was so unhappy, furious matter of fact, and I just stood there, unable to say any words to this.

"I don't have any words for you, except from this is just disappointing. I'm not going to call you stupid, or a bitch, or anything, it's just disappointing - you are just disappointing Boyoung." I told her, not cutting eye contact as she evidently was panicking.

"Mei I just wanted to have a life like yours." Her voice began quivering, "I've been living under everybody else for years of my life, and when I saw you, so pretty and talented, it made me so mad to see how people just swooned to you."

I just stared at her as she began breaking down, the door opened again, and the director of the art gallery came in - followed by a few police officers.

I shook my head with another sigh.

"You have the looks, you have the talent and the fame, and then Niki - I liked him, okay?! I did, and I'll admit it, but then you took him away too. You just get everything." She began tearing up, and once again, I felt that same feeling of sympathy.

But this time it was just a slight slight miniscule bit of sympathy. I just had no words for this whole thing, it was a shame, and I was disappointed, that was about it.

"I'm sorry you feel like this, but this was just low." That was the last thing I told her before the police took her away, the director stood beside me and looking at two of the paintings that had been vandalised.

She looked over to me, sorrow in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Mei Hirata, deepest apologies for this. I completely understand if you don't want to work with our gallery anymore." She gave a deep bow, and I just smiled at her.

"I do want to continue working with you, just careful on who you hire." I chuckled as she nodded.

Niki placed his hands on my waist, guiding me out of the house as Min-kyu followed and other police officers walked in.

We stood outside of her house, Min-kyu looking at us with glimmer in his eyes.

"Thank you for saving my ass, I promise it's the last thing from me." He gave a deep bow, "Niki, take care of Mei, sorry for the way I acted on our first meeting - and Mei, well, I'm really sorry, and I hope one day you find it in your heart to forgive me. I wish you two well." He gave another deep bow before heading off.

I looked at Niki as he kissed me.

"Thank god she's gone." Niki chuckled.

riki.nishimura → airport hugजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें