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I opened the message, looking at the photo he sent. Conveniently, it was the same picture I had just looked at, the one where we are both gazing into each other's eyes as if it was some kind of model shoot.

niki: why am i so fine

niki: is it possible to get this picture into a gallery

mei: uh you know im there too

niki: i know you ruined my fucking photo how could you

mei: dont make me come over there

niki:dare you

I took it as a challenge accepted, I didn't care that I was in pyjamas, or looked less lavish than earlier today, I'm going to show up at his house right now.

I scrambled from the bed, heading downstairs in an instant and straight out of my house. I stood in front of his door, taking a picture of me and his house.

I sent the picture to him, and not even a minute after, he screenshot the picture and responded.


niki: do you not have ANYTHING to do

niki: actually i need your help with something 

His text made me wonder, what he actually needed help with. I thought for a second - not too long because he opened the door shortly after sending the message.

He looked at me, a generous smile across his face. He welcomed me in, leading me up towards his room. I paused, staring at the art of mine on one of his walls.

"Oh yeah, this is nice." I traced my fingers across the canvas, remembering how long it took me to paint this.

"Man I really need to take that down." Niki groaned jokingly, shaking his head.

I rolled my eyes, following him into his room. His room was actually surprisingly nice, as a surgeon, I would've thought his bedroom would've only had like a bed and a desk, but no, it was seemingly nicely decorated.

"What do you need my help with?" I looked around his room, maybe I should take interior notes from this guy.

"Help me find an outfit." He randomly responded, and I looked over at him, staring at me with hopeful eyes.

".. For.. what occasion?" I raised a brow, out of everyone, why did he pick me?

"I'm going out for lunch with your assistant, Boyoung. She said she has something else in mind afterwards, have no idea what that even means. So help me." Niki's words shot through my heart.

Hearing those words was much worse than I thought. It had felt as if my heart had just caved in and completely disintegrated into miniscule bits. I looked at him, swallowing hard and trying to ignore the gnawing feeling at my heart.

Damn, what was I really expecting.

"Oh yeah.. forgot about that." I made sure I didn't sound bitter or hurt over this, "Hm, what would Boyoung like." I tried to think of the activities she'd love to do.

She has a pretty childish and bubbly personality, so if anything, it'd probably be something fun afterwards. Pfft, I couldn't imagine Niki doing something fun.

That guy is always so serious or cold, no matter what.

Finally, an idea came to me after digging through past conversations I've had with Boyoung about relationships.

"Arcade. It's definitely going to be arcade." I dart my head to him as he looked at me, tilting his head to the side slightly.

"How'd you know?" 

"She always mentioned how whenever she gets a boyfriend, the first thing she'll do with him is an arcade date. She's a very fun and bubbly girl, so expect to be doing something childish or stereotypically fun." I told him, although I did feel truly bitter and a little vexed over this, I couldn't sabotage their little date.

I had to be truthful, because I love Boyoung as my assistant and I wouldn't want to see her hurt.

"Ah..." Niki didn't really seem to be onboard with this idea, "Boyfriend though? She only asked to see me.."

His reaction spoke volumes about how he felt - he didn't seem to like how I insinuated that Boyoung might want Niki as a boyfriend.

"Come on now. Let me pick you an outfit out." I dismissed him, giving a meek chuckle, the stinging of my heart really was unavoidable.

In the end, I picked Niki out a nice yet casual outfit, not too elegant but also not super extremely lousy. He seemed to approve of it too, which was the most that mattered.

After putting all his clothes back, he turned to look at me, hope glimmering in his eyes.

"You think you can come with?" Niki randomly asked, and I shot my head to look at him, giving a laugh of disbelief.

"What? No, that'd just be weird." I shook my head, a faint smile touching my lips at his words.

"Come on, I'll convince Sunoo to come." He continued pleading me to go, and although I would've accepted his offer in a heartbeat, I didn't want to make things awkward for Boyoung.

"Niki, you're spending a few hours with her, I know I'm so fun and all to be around, but you don't need to have attachment issues." I joked, he rolled his eyes, giving a small inaudible groan.

"Attachment issues my ass, I know fine well you have no social life, I'm just trying to help you." He muttered under his breath, and I furrowed my brows, staring at him as if I was really offended.

But how could I be offended at a guy like him?

riki.nishimura → airport hugOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant