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Kenta charged forward then swings his wooden stick downward at full speed using the momentum to carry the force of his swing, seeing that the man smirk before swinging his long sword horizontally.

The two respective weapons clashes. Kenta's body was blown backwards by the force of the man's swing. "Ark." He let out a groan as he crashed into the wall behind him.

"Haha… do you see that kid, that is what we grownups called experience." The man said looking down on Kenta whose face twisted in pain.

"Hah. I'm not done yet." Kenta uttered weakly with unsteady eyes. He once again picks up his stick and made a stance.

"Humph, I have to give you credit, even though you're in such a one-sided position, you still have the guts to continue fighting."

The man then moved at a speed Kenta couldn't follow then thrust the pommel of his sword towards Kenta's chest.

"Guh." Kenta knelt down as all the oxygen was forcefully push out of his lungs, he then fell to the ground while holding his chest coughing violently as he tried to catch his breath. The two men looked at him with cold eyes.

"Now do you understand the difference between us." The man said. Before penetrating Kenta's back with his sword.

Kenta's eyes were wide opened as he felt the sharp pain in his chest. The sensation of his own blood from his hands also made him fully aware of the reality. Before long, his body lost its strength and fell to the ground.

"Damn it." He muttered weakly. The man then pulled out his long sword from his back. Before losing interest in Kenta.

"Hmm. Was that really necessary, I mean he was only a small boy." The man still standing outside the room said.

The bulky looking man sneered.

"Hmph… you've killed plenty of children yourself, so you have no right to say that to me, you know." The man said annoyedly.

"Haha… I can't retort to that." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Let's check the other rooms." They both then made their way to the upper level of the mansion.

Meanwhile Kenta wasn't dead yet, he could still hear everything they were saying. But even so even he knew that he was only seconds from dying.

'I don't want to die.' Was the only thought that occupied his mind right now.

'How do I survive?' He had already lost the sensation of his body and could no longer move this body anymore.

Images of his parents were flashing through his mind. The happy moment to the moment where it all ended, like a dream he was reliving.

"That's right, I have to live, grow strong, and make those bastards pay. Can't go dying yet." With his resolve now heighten Kenta tried to regain strength from his body. Starting with his hands then his legs.

"Damn it! it can't end here. I will, not die!!" He shouted.

At that moment something deep within his soul stirred intensely, and soon, a flash of light shone faintly before Kenta felt a familiar warmth engulfs him. 

However, at that moment whether it was a coincidence or fate, a magic circle then appeared beneath him. Kenta's body was clad in a warm light and before his eyes.

"That's?" A long sword appeared hovering in the empty air. Giving off a divine glow. It was a broad sword with a black blade with particular markings on either side.

The hilt as dyed red with white polka dots going across vertically. Slowly he reaches out his hand weakly. Once his hand finally made contact. The sword succumbs to the law of gravity and fell down to the ground.

Kenta looked at the sword curiously for a moment, before finally getting up, his injuries hadn't healed but the pain he felt mere moments ago no longer persist. Kenta then made his way towards the upper levels of the mansion.

Inside one of the rooms Charlotte, Nessa and Rick stayed silently. While gazing fearfully at the barricaded door.

"What do those guys want?" Rick asks with an angry voice.

"There here to rob us, obviously." Nessa said exasperated by his obvious question.

Nessa was probably the calmest person in the room, though her body was trembling. Due to fright, she was scared of course anyone would.

She kept her gazed turned towards the door as she embraced Charlotte who was the most terrified person within the room.


A loud banging sounded from the other side of the wooden door.

'What can I do.' Nessa wondered internally; it wouldn't be long before the door is broken down. 'Before that we need to leave the room,' she thought while looking around the room, when her eyes landed on the glass window she immediately got up and ran towards it. Rick and Charlotte also follow her lead.

Nessa opened the window and gulped when she saw the distance between herself and the ground. It was more than a hundred meters, there's no way they would be able to survive that kind of fall unscathed. Rick looks at Nessa as though to say.

"have you lost your mind." Charlotte's face instantly turned pale when she saw the Hight of their fall.

"We don't have any other option, do we." Nessa said annoyedly.

Meanwhile Kenta had already made his way to the upper level of the mansion. What greeted him there was a mountain of corpses, among them were a lot of children he had interacted with. Seeing that he slowly clenched his fist tightly.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you." He muttered sadly.

When opening the door of one of the rooms the body of Suzette then fell to the ground painting it red. Kenta's eye's showed complicated emotions.

However, he shook his head slowly before moving onward. He then moved towards the loud banging sound he heard coming from further down the hallway.

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