The lunar stones worth?

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Once everyone had gotten their own identification card, they were led outside by Kito, Kenta had asked many others about the situation with his identification card but.
Unfortunately, there were no favorable answers.

He could only except the situation as it was for the time being. Kenta was standing by the exit alongside Lauren.

"Sir Kenta, are you sure you don't want to stay with me at my estate until the opening ceremony of the magic academy?" Lauren asked somewhat hopefully.

However, Kenta sighed tiredly before looking at her with a complicated expression. "I'm sorry but, my answer won't change, though, I am grateful for all your help... like I said before I will repay you for this someday." Kenta replied.

"Oh, so you haven't changed your mind at all."

Lauren sulk hearing that, Kenta wanted to tell her, making that expression made her cute but didn't utter those word. However, Lauren's deep blue eyes shone faintly as she saw the bloodied wound on Kenta's right shoulder where he was injured.

She slowly reached out her hand and touch that place, surprising Kenta, it wasn't as if he hadn't noticed her hand reaching out towards him, it was just that he didn't think she would touch that place.

"Oh, spirit of water cures him with your divine radiance." she uttered in a faint voice.
But just then her hand was enveloped by a faint glow as Kenta felt a strangely warm sensation filled his body. The wound of his shoulder instantly closed and returned to its previous state.

"There your wound should be better now but, I can't do anything about your clothes." she said with a wry smile.

"Thank you, you have helped me out quite a bit. It seems I owe you one big time, maybe I'll take you out someday." Kenta said somewhat playfully. Hearing his words Lauren raised her eyebrow in interest.

"Oh, are you asking me out?"

"Unfortunately, I'm not interested such things, but I will be repaying you in full next time." He said fully determined to pay her back. Maybe she felt the forcefulness behind his words as her expression flinch slightly.

".... I see. Well then see you at the academy." Lauren said extending her hand, Kenta slowly reached out his own hand gently grasping her own for a handshake.

Lauren smiled before separating her hand and turned to leave but, not before giving him a warning first.

"Please be careful of Sir Tony, since you had fought with him earlier, he might be plotting something against you when your guard is lowered." she said before stepping before the closed door.

The door instantly opened and closed once she had stepped outside. Kenta stayed their glued in place as he heard her word.

He didn't need her to tell him that of course he was already aware of this fact but, still he didn't care if Tony wanted to start something with him later then all he needed to do was simply kill him at that time, Kenta sighed while raising his vigilance.

Once he had stepped outside the first thing he did was looked up towards the sky, the sky was clear as the rays of the sun spill down and there was no sign of any cloud in sight. It was a stark contrast from when he had looked at the sky earlier that was cloudy and filled with purple lightning.

'To be able to create a phenomenon like that, that spell thunderclap it really is amazing but, what else can it do? Could I manipulate the purple lightning somehow? I only have one month until the academy is opened. Before then I need to get stronger training should come first on my bucket list.' He thought.

There were also matters with his broad sword as well, he recalled the sudden changes to it when he had called it out to face Tony before.

He once again sighed before moving forward.
The city was still bustling with life as he made his way through town. His nose sniff occasionally as his stomach growl.

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