Who are you, to give me orders?!

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Once the 'Soul eater' broad sword had made its entry a powerful aura filled the vicinity.

"Mm, this...?" A surprised look filled Kenta's face as he observed the appearance of the broad sword.

Purple streaks trace the marking on the hilt and the sword felt heavier in his hand than it did before.

'What happened to it?' he thought confused. It wasn't that long when he had stored it away what could have happened to it in that short amount of time.

"A-A magic sword!" a man standing in line with the others exclaimed with a shocked face. Magic swords were one of the most precious weapons in the current era, not only did they have immense power hidden away in them, but they were also said to be powerful enough to overturn any battlefield.

Hense. Many renowned kingdoms often clashed for the sake of obtaining a magic sword.

Kito's eyes widen slightly at the sight of the magic sword, even for him who was a famous instructor he didn't have many chances to encounter wielders of magic sword. Lauren kept her silence as she calmly watched over the situation with deep interest.

"Heh... I didn't think a lowly scum like you held such an item. Once I'm finished with you, I'll be taking that sword as my own."

Tony said as he held out his hands. However, Kenta kept observing the various markings on his sword completely ignoring the words of Tony as though he was the most trivial.

Seeing that he was being ignored a vain bulged on Tony's temple.

"Air cutter!" A magic formation appeared as wind in the form of blades went towards Kenta. Noticing that Kenta casually positioned his broad sword to his side in the direction of the wind blades.


The wind blades dispersed into mere gusts of wind. Kenta then sends a sidelong glance towards Tony. Tony's body instinctively flinches when he felt Kenta's icy cold gazed.

'Tch, this guy... is he making fun of me?' Tony thought, he clenched his knuckles as he gritted his teeth.

"Don't look down on me you damn peasant! Wind spear!" Another magic formation appeared as wind gathered at the center of the magic formation.

Soon the wind condensed and took the form of a spear measuring roughly 10 cm in length. Kenta braced his sword as he prepared to intercept the wind spear. "Hah! Die!!" Tony shouted as he fired the spear made purely out of condensed wind.


A loud shooting sound entered the eardrum of everyone present as the spear was launched straight into the direction of Kenta like a speeding bullet. However, Kenta had no intention of getting hit this time.

A smirk appeared on Kenta's face as he shifted his body to the side, the spear made of wind passed his body by a few millimeters before striking the walls.

Fortunately, a magic formation appeared and formed a Protective barrier easily stopping the wind spear.

"My turn." Kenta said as his figure vanished from the sight of everyone.

"Wha...?" Tony raised a surprised voice as he lost the sensation of the ground, suddenly his field of view shifted and all he could see was everyone upside down. Kenta had appeared behind him without him noticing and kicked his feet from under him.

His body spun midair before landing heavily onto the ground. "Goof ah..." Tony groan in pain as his face grimaced from the impact.

"You! Eek" Tony was just about to rant when the cold sensation of metal was pressed against his skin.

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