Against the silver bear

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The ray of sunlights shines through the freshly wet tree leaves, on a mountain side where the loud sound of running water could be heard splashing constantly.

Kenta seated himself beneath a tree covered with leaves shielding him from the heat of the sun, his eyes were shut tightly as he was in a deep sleep.

After he had left the Matthew's territory, he had run all the way to a mountain side where he decided to rest, after a few minutes he had fallen completely into a deep sleep. Though his body shook restlessly as though he was having a nightmare.

"Kenta... I.... love you..."

His eyes opened wide before he squinted them both due to the intense light of the sun. He then looked around his surroundings before breathing out a tired sigh.

"Why do I keep having that same nightmare?" He muttered gloomily, the dream of when he lost everything continued to play every time he would go to sleep. It's as though he was being haunted by the spirits of his parents and they were telling him not to forget about them.

He then staggered to his feet. "My legs has gotten stiff." He said in a low mutter. Before looking in a certain direction.

A two-handed broad sword was resting gently near a tree five feet away. After he had gotten here, he wondered how he was going to carry it. Though its weight wasn't a problem by any means he worried how he was going to carry it inside the nearest town located south from here.

Considering there is a restriction on regular citizens carrying weapons inside towns so he couldn't go inside the capital or any small cities unless he does something about his broad sword.

The blade as black as darkness continued to shine due to the rays of sunlight. Kenta picked up the sword by the hilt before walking into the forest in search of food.

The serene forest seemed rather peaceful as there weren't any kind of disturbance present in the surroundings, Kenta stopped in his tracks and listened to the sounds of the bushes which would sometimes rustle as though something was about to jump at any moment.


"Hah!" In an instant he jumped backwards at a distance of 5 feet before landing softly on the ground. A wild beast then appeared with its huge body. It was a beast resembling a bear with fur as white as snow.

The bear narrowed its red eyes before letting out a howl. "Heh, I guess I'll have to work hard for my breakfast huh, well my legs could use the exercise." He said as a fearless grin was formed on his face.


The bear howl as it charged forward attempting to strike Kenta with its huge body. However, Kenta immediately understood the beast intentions and held his sword ready in his hands.

Once the bear had reached the distance of five meters, he used the blade of his broad sword to stop the bears movements, "Mm" however the bear responded by swinging its huge arm horizontally sweeping Kenta from the side.

"Guh." As a result of the bears attack Kenta's body was easily knocked away and sent flying backwards. "Gah." He crashed noisily into a thick tree.

"Tch, that definitely woke me up..." he said as he coughed all the air through his lungs.

"Don't think something like that is enough to stop me. I'm definitely going to enjoy eating you." He said as he held the hilt of his sword and charged forward. He then held his sword vertically upwards as red and black energy filled the blade of his sword.

"Since you enjoy swinging around your arms so much how about I detached them from your body!!" He shouted before bringing his broad sword downward.

At the same time the red and black energy was released from the blade and went straight towards the bear.

"Grrah!!" The bear instantly reacted towards the strange energy coming towards it, as though it could sense the immediate danger the bear leaped over the red and black energy dodging it completely.

The energy continued on its paths wiping out everything that comes before it in a straight line, while kicking up a cloud of dust.

Once the dust had cleared, and the scenery became visible to the naked eyes Kenta widen his blue colored eyes in surprise.

'This disintegrating ability is really strong, if I'm not careful I might seriously end up causing a lot of damage.' He thought while gazing at the destruction he had just created.

Many of the thick trees within 30 miles radius were completely annihilated and even the soil from the ground were all cleanly erased from this world leaving behind nothing but a burnt field.

The silver bear let out an angry roar as it glared at Kenta with some wariness present in its eyes.

"Heh... you still wanna fight huh? Well then shall we continue." He said before charging towards the bear once again. The bear charged at Kenta then swung its arm horizontally towards his neck.

"Fool do you really think that will work on me a second time?" He said before swooping downward the claw of the bear missed him by a hair's breadth. As strands of his blonde colored hair was scattered slightly, the eyes of the silver bear widen as Kenta while being in a low posture used his broad sword to penetrate the bear's stomach.

"Raaaaah!" The bear let out a loud cry as it tried to get distance away from Kenta.

However, Kenta's eyes shone like a beast that refused to allow its prey to get away and once again charged towards the bears head and swung his sword.

The bear tried to intercept Kenta's attack, but it was no use, before the claw of the silver bear could strike Kenta its head was cleanly severed from its body.

A trail of fresh blood then sprayed in the air as its head fell to the ground, without anything being able to support its huge body it also fell down noisily to the ground.

A huge surge of power then began to filled Kenta's body, the fatigue he had been slowly accumulating during the battle with the white bear was no longer there.

"Heh... it seems the stronger the enemy the stronger I'll be in return." He quietly mumbled. His body felt brand new it was a completely different change compared with before. "Maybe I should find some stronger monsters living in this forest." He said.
Approximately 1 hour had passed since his fight against the silver bear. Kenta was now seated near a waterfall which rained down constantly. He was munching on the meat of the silver bear he had just killed.

"Sigh... I guess my cooking still needs some work..." he said with a bitter smile. Even though he had learned everything he needed by at the orphanage his cooking skills were only a little below average. He couldn't help but worry about what he's going to do about food from here on.

"Mm... I wonder how much I could make if I sell this?" He suddenly asks while looking at the green gemstone curiously. Though the stone didn't originally belong to him, he considered it to be his spoils of war as the stone was on the body of Grayson who he had killed during their earlier clash.

"I guess I'll have to find out once I reach a city." He said.

"I just need away to carry this without bringing too much attention to myself." He said as he gazed at the broad sword which was laying downward beside him.

"Mm... what!" Suddenly a magic formation then appeared above the sword and then disappeared completely along with the broad sword.

"Eh... what was that?" He asks getting up from the rock he had been sitting on.

Did that happened because I wanted to put away the sword? Or was it something else... he didn't know so Kenta tried summoning his sword one more time.

"...Sword." A magic formation once again appeared then the broad sword materialized inside his hand.

"I see is this space magic. It was the same magic circle as when the sword first showed itself to me."

'I wonder why that sword appeared before me in the first place, was it nothing more than a coincidence? Well, I won't get the answer even if I started thinking about it deeply so... I might as well just give up.' He thought sighing slightly. Now that he had a way to hide the sword, he was extremely glad he could finally go inside a town now.

He once again tried to put the sword away and a magic formation then appeared again and the sword, he held seconds ago disappeared. Kenta then seated himself before he resumed his meal.

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