Path from here

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After checking the state of the mansion Michael finally left and went back outside, his expression as though he had many thoughts occupying his mind.

'I couldn't find Kenta. Even though I had checked the entire rooms inside the mansion, does this mean he's still alive? Could he had somehow miraculously escaped his encounter with those intruders?' He wondered internally.

But even as he came up with many different possibilities, he couldn't confirm he was on the right track, or somehow missed something. After heaving a long sigh, he walked back towards the carriage waiting by the mansions gate.

"Umm, Sir Michael did you… find Kenta?" Charlotte inquired to Michael who had just returned.

"I'm really sorry, but I couldn't find him anywhere." Michael said in a gloomy tone.

"I-I see…" Charlotte muttered sadly.

"So… what are we going to do now?" Nessa asks curiously.

With the state the mansion was in it was impossible for them to keep living inside the mansion, so they needed to at least find a new place to stay. Michael nodded his head softly while making a pensive expression.

He was the current lord of this land, which was passed down to him by his father, and so he honestly found it difficult to abandon this place. After thinking for a few seconds, he finally opened his mouth.

"I have another mansion west from here, though it's not a mansion I used very often, we should be able to stay there for a while." He said calmly.

"I see..." Nessa opened her eyes wide by surprise.

'He had another mansion just what kind of position does he held within this country?' She wondered internally before putting on a small smile.

"Come on we should leave." He said.

"Yes but… what about Kenta?" Charlotte asks gazing at him for an answer.

"He's not inside the mansion, if I were to guess he probably escaped somehow, or maybe the intruders kidnapped him. There's no way to confirm any of those theories right now but… once we all settled down, I will do a full investigation." He said as his face gradually became sharper.

"I understand…" Charlotte said nodding her head slowly.

Thus, they all went inside the carriage and went on their way.

Meanwhile deep inside the dark and tranquil forest which was only being slightly dim by the light illuminated by the moon, an area of greenery surrounding the Matthew's territory, someone was sitting on a thick tree branch which was firmly connected to a huge tree, he was wearing what seemed to be clothing of high quality, he crossed his leg and seated himself in a comfortable position.

A small object floated around him, showing him all of the events that had occurred during the raid on the Matthew's mansion, watching the situation a wry smile appeared on his face, he couldn't help but laugh at the way the situation turned out.

"Sigh… Honestly it never ceases to amaze me how the greed of humans could easily corrupt the mind of others." He said gazing at the round silver ball that hovered soundlessly in the air, he had promised the leader of that organization that he would reward him greatly if he could get him the lunar stone but now, the situation had taken such an unexpected turn that he couldn't suppressed his laughter.

Not only had they failed this mission horribly that every one of them has died, but a small child had contracted with one of the legendary magic swords that was said to have been created by a god long ago, but what surprise him the most was That the sword that had appeared wasn't just some random sword, it was the 'soul eater' a magic sword that was lost since ancient times.

And was the sword used by the sword king also known as the 'God of war' who's name was extremely famous even in the current era.

"That boy will definitely become a nuisance later on; I honestly hope our paths never cross as I moved forward." He said calmly. The round silver ball then went towards him, as he reached out his hands.

"The situation has now gotten more complicated, it's best to lay low for a while it seems, that fools younger brother was killed so I can imagine he will definitely cause a seen. It's going to be very interesting to see what he will do next."

An eerie grin then appeared on his face as his body slowly started to rise from the tree, his body kept elevating until he could see pass the treetops. He then accelerated his speed and in a blink of an eye his figure disappeared inside the clouds covering the night sky.

At the same time twenty minutes had passed since Michael and the others decided to leave the mansion, Kenta finally arrived back at the mansion, but he couldn't find traces of anyone present.

He went inside the mansion but no matter where he searches, he couldn't find anyone living. He sighed once before finally deciding to leave that place.

He was sure he could survive on his own now that he had learnt the things he needed to know, so although he wanted to leave when he turned 16 years old it wouldn't be a problem even if he decided to live on his own now. Though something had bothered him as he walked towards the mansion gate.

'I wonder what happened to Charlotte Nessa and Rick, did they make it out okay?' He couldn't help but worry, although he had only known them for three years, he still considered them all a good friend, so he was genuinely worried about their safety.

Even if they ran away and left him behind, he seriously doubts things would have changed, if anything they would have only gotten in the way and be at risk at dying and so… even if they ran and left him behind, he didn't care.

Kenta then stop and pulled something out of his pocket, he held the green gemstone in his hand and looked at it curiously for a moment. The stone continued to glimmer beneath the moonlight. He frowned slightly and sighed quietly.

"Well, there's no need to linger here any longer."

He once again placed the gemstone inside his pocket and ran at full speed outside the Matthew's territory. Leaving behind a cloud of dust following him from behind.

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