What is your conviction?

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Seeing the giant greatsword envelop in red flames in Han's hand, a devilish smile threatened to peak out from the corners of Kenta's lips, he could feel his instinct screaming danger when seeing those flames but, even so he was strangely feeling excited.

How could he not?

A strong opponent was standing right before his eyes, he felt elated. Slowly the spear in Kenta's hand glowed subtly and started changing shape. It took the shape of a compressed short sword.
Seeing the changes happening to Kenta's weapon right before his eyes, Han frowned in confusion. 'What kind of weapon is that?' A thought that everyone equally shared.

"Hmm, that's a strange ability, is it magic? But he didn't use any incantations." Emerson was just as confused as everyone present. 

Only Jessica and Leroux wore neutral expression, they had already seen Kenta's ability to control and compressed lightning into different shapes after all.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter what kind of tricks you have up your sleeves. Nothing will change!" Hans roared, as he closed in on Kenta with the blade of his sword wrap in flames, he braced it tightly in his hand as he closed the distance. However-

Kenta didn't wait for him to close the gap between them, he also charged in on Hans from the front, closing the distance with an impossible speed. Streaks of purple lightning trail was left behind as he swung his sword.


A loud metallic sound rang out as their weapons clashed. However, the one that lost the game of strength was Hans as his body was pushed back from the recoil of their clash! Even then Kenta didn't let up! He continued slashing his sword constantly leaving behind streaks of lightning.


The sound of metal echoed out continuously! Kenta's attack was truly ruthless, not only did he used his sword to attack Hans most vital areas, but he also sometimes punches with his fist clad in lightning, making it difficult for Hans to adjust himself from the constant attacks.


Kenta once again closed in on Hans from the front swinging his sword in a diagonal arc, "Tch" Hans blocked Kenta's swing with the flat side of his sword clad in flames but, "!?" Before he could feel relief, he had managed to stop Kenta's attack. Kenta's figure had completely vanished from his field of vision, and without warning he appeared on Hans right side with his fist stretch outwards. 

The fist of Kenta made a direct hit on Hans right cheek, his body was blown away by the force!
He rolled helplessly across the ground before getting back to his feet with his sword clutch tightly in his hand. "Tch, bastard!" Han roared in rage as he wipes the blood oozing from his nose. He was starting to feel frustrated now, even he could easily tell Kenta has been toying with him this entire time.

'If he could move at such insane speed, then couldn't he have easily killed me by now?' Hans wandered. From his vigorous movements his breathing has become uneven and sweat could be seen trickling down his brow. While on the contrary, Kenta's breathing was calm and steady. Unlike Hans who had been moving around Kenta made sure not to waste his energy.

All his counterattack were precise he didn't waste any movement at all. Noticing that Hans clicked his tongue, humiliation visible on his face. Suddenly, red flames enshrouded the blade of his sword, it didn't stop there. The red flames gathered around Hans body creating an armor made entirely from flames.

"Oh?" Seeing this Kenta raised an eyebrow in interest. "You got something like that up your sleeve the entire time. Why didn't you divulge it instead of showing off your trashy swordcraft?" Kenta asked, in a rather arrogant manner.

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