Monster in human skin!

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An otherworldly aura descended once the soul eater sword appeared, silently hovering next to Kenta. However, as though the "Soul eater" Greatsword had a will of its own, the blade of the sword shone brightly as a barrier made from the aura of death surround Kenta, shielding him from the many wind shuriken's!

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Each time the hundreds of shuriken's made contact with the death barrier, they disappeared as though the aura of death had swallowed them whole.

At the same time the howling of the cold night wind along with the strange feeling of the death aura gave the atmosphere a chilling vibe no one could explained.

Feeling the strange pressure emanating from the unfamiliar aura before her, the black-haired ninja stopped in her tracks with a warily look on her face. The surrounding rumbled violently as the aura of death covered Kenta's body.

Many of the civilians close by could feel their body slowly getting weaker and weaker as time passed, the old fell to their knees, and fainted while the young could feel their skin decaying rapidly.

At the same time Kenta's body was slowly being healed as he received the life energy from all those around him!

He still didn't understand what was happening but, at the same time he didn't care either as long as he survives that's all that mattered.

Kenta reached out and grab the hilt of soul eater, once his hand made contact, he didn't know why but, he felt powerful! He felt as though he was strong enough to face anyone! He was a superior being, everyone else were worthless in his eyes!

Kenta's face became darkness, as though there was a veil that covered his entire face preventing anyone from seeing what lies on the other side, only two pair of crimson eyes were visible! 

"This... what is this?" The black-haired ninja questioned. She could feel her strength weakening once that unfamiliar sword made its appearance.

"What kind of magic sword is that?" She asked, as she took out two short swords from the sheath on her back. However, Kenta had no intentions of answering her questions.

"Th-this aura..." Leroux frowned; he didn't know why but he didn't like this aura at all! He could also feel his body getting weaker the more he stayed there.

Meanwhile, a beast could be seen flying in the sky with its red eyes locked onto Kenta on the ground.

Once the aura of death was released the flying beast promptly moved away and flew back to Jessica as though it was scared of that aura. It was an instinctual feeling!

The aura of death could be said to be the enemy to all living beings, this is why the god of death was so hated among those from the lower worlds.

Jessica quickly undone her "Beast summoning magic" As a magic formation appeared and the flying beast instantly disappeared within the formation.

Once her beast was no longer in any real danger anymore, she looked back at Kenta and narrowed her blue colored eyes as a strange glint shone in them.

"This boy, perhaps he... he really could be the person I was searching for all along." Jessica mumbled to herself. Purple lightning flickered around Kenta's body as he closed the distance to the black-haired ninja and swung his sword vertically. However, she also reacted instantly swinging her short swords horizontally!


The two swords collided together creating the clear sound of metal hitting metal! They didn't stop there, they both moved at blinding speed swinging their sword in rapid succession. The sound of metal along with sparks that flew whenever their swords clashed scattered everywhere!

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