I shall make you remember!

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Victoria stood in silence for several seconds as she tried to process what she had just said. 'Hendrix, alive? Impossible.' She shook her head clearly denying such a possibility.

She was also one of the many goddesses who had fought him, and she had also witnessed his death during that battle.

Not only was his body destroyed, but his soul was also shattered to pieces. There shouldn't have been a way for him to survive. However...

"That aura just now it was unmistakably the aura of death... just what's going on here?" Victoria couldn't quite fathom the situation.

"Judging by that look on your face it seems it wasn't my imagination, was it? That bastard actually survived!" Victoria came out of her stupor to the sound of Drake's voice from behind.

"Yes, somehow..." She responded somewhat indifferently. However, Drake could see how shaken she was from the apparent expression on her face. "... If he did survive somehow, I'm confused why didn't he try to get revenge much sooner... it has already been thousands of years since that day." Victoria muttered.

She could clearly remember Hendrix's personality. Narcissistic, arrogant and proud. She couldn't imagine him not holding a grudge from what had happened to him.

"Ahahaha! Isn't it obvious, that bastard must have been greatly weakened since that fight and had been in hiding, Kukuk kuku! Good now I can get revenge for Thora." Drake said, as he clenches his fist. In his deep black eyes, a burning fury could be seen there.

He had always regretted that fact that he had lost his chance of revenge, Thora was the only woman he truly loved but she was killed by Hendrix and her divinity was stolen by him. This information wasn't known by all the gods and goddess, in order to keep the gods from panicking the gods and goddesses with the most influence decided to keep the information a secret.

However, Drake the god of darkness and holder of the universal law of darkness, his influence was also among the highest gods. 'That bastard will be beneath my feet!' Drake thought as he narrowed his eyes. Victoria glanced at him for some time before she shook her head.

"You can think about your revenge later. I'm sure there will be another meeting of gods, if that man really is alive then we need to be prepared for an unexpected attack." Victoria said as she calmly walked through the corridor of the passageway. Drake didn't say anything and silently followed after her.

It wasn't just Victoria and Drake who had sensed the aura of death, all other gods and goddesses also sensed the aura of death. Inside a beautiful, lush forest of greenery there stood a beautiful youthful woman standing in a meadow of flowers. The woman had a beautiful almond shaped eye, bright green, emerald pupils and a small, chiseled nose and small pink lips.

The woman's hair was bright green and cascaded down to her waist, her hair was also decorated with various flowers embroidery on either side. A green gown with various flower patterns on the dress as designed clung tightly around her body as she stared at the flowers with a lovely smile on her face.

The woman's body occasionally released a bright green aura that seem to engulf the flowers. Whenever the flowers are embraced by that mysterious green radiance the flowers bloomed and straightened as they're petals gracefully opened up as though they were rejuvenated.

The woman was the goddess of nature, the one who controlled and protects nature in the entire world.

"Continue to grow and fill this world with your beautiful splendor." She muttered to herself. Tiny ball of light with various colors danced around her body.

The lights moved as though they were alive and were worshipping her. The goddess of nature, Flora reached out her hand and gently held the ball of lights as their warm radiance filled her hand.

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