chapter 5 - Kenjaku's Log

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Log ???

There was a freak child born in a village I passed. I heard he had four arms and four eyes. This was curious. I pretended to be an oracle and asked to see the baby. It was even more interesting when I sensed this child was born with immense curse energy. Before I left the village, I told the villagers this child reeked of bad omen. The child had a sinful soul and was a demon. It was God's will for him to be punished.

It would be a nice experiment.


It had been 4 years. I received news from my sources that the freak child had lost control of his curse energy and sliced his parents in pieces. Amazing! Truly amazing! This child is different. I can feel it. The child will bring big changes to the world.


The child massacred his whole village at the age of 5. I expected nothing less.

I acted as a victim and asked sorcerers for help to exorcise the 4-armed 'curse'. Then the child had killed a grade 2 sorcerer while the others had fled. News about the child had spread across the jujutsu sorcerer world. This keeps on getting better.


Many sorcerers saw the child's potential and asked for the child to join them. Due to the child's distrust and strong hatred for other people, he killed all of them. The child had made many enemies.

Soon a sorcerer clan seeked revenge. The clan had full intentions to kill the child. The child later wiped out the whole clan at the age of 10, including the few special grade sorcerers within the clan.

It was exceptional!


Everyone, sorcerers, non-sorcerers and curse spirits, feared this child. They were already calling him the King of Curses and had given him the name Ryoumen Sukuna.

Throughout the years, Sukuna's hatred of humanity changed to indifference. He didn't seem to care about the thoughts of those he deemed weak (which was everyone). He brought destruction to anywhere he went as he felt like it. Sukuna had grown to be how I envisioned and shaped him to be.


There weren't any sightings of Sukuna for weeks. There was no destruction. Something's wrong.

I would send some acquaintances to check on Sukuna.


They didn't come back. It was disappointing but that was to be expected. I would have to ask for a favor from him . This wasn't ideal but there wasn't any other way. I needed that man with Heavenly Restriction to give me information on Sukuna.

'Sukuna is buddy-buddy with the Six Eyes brat,' he said. That had to be an exaggeration. I needed to investigate on my own. It wouldn't be easy to hide my curse signature from both Sukuna and Six Eyes. But I would make it work.

As I approached the location I was given, I could feel clashes of strong curse energy over there. Sukuna had to be fighting. But when I arrived, it was quiet and calm. I hid in the shadows and went over quietly.

Sukuna was cuddling the Six Eyes brat.

I felt my brain had melted at that point.


My Heavenly Restricted acquaintance continued to update me on Sukuna's and Gojo's meetings from time to time.

"They do the same things. Gojo brat talks and Sukuna listens. There is nothing to see. I don't know why you send me there all the time. Well, it's easy money. I'm not complaining."

"Sukuna had a wooden shack near their meeting spot. Seems like he wouldn't be moving so soon. Makes my job a lot easier. Hm? You want the exact location of the shack? Pay up."




"Gojo gave Sukuna an expensive white kimono. Sukuna wore it without complaint. Maybe Sukuna didn't know it was a kimono for girls. Haha."

"Sukuna actually started wearing it all the time. And Sukuna had gifted Gojo a black blindfold in return. Ah, young love these days..."




"Gojo grabbed Sukuna's hand when they were stargazing. Sukuna didn't even react. He just allowed Gojo to do it. I wonder when they will kiss- Hey boss, don't look at me like that. I'm just saying."




The acquaintance quitted after 2 years. He said he had something better to do. It didn't matter. I already had gotten everything I needed to know.


I was so disappointed in Sukuna. He was so perfect, a perfect King of Curses. Then the Six Eyes brat came into the picture and ruined him.

Now there would be a slight change in plans.


I have become acquainted with Gojo Haruto, the current Head of the Gojo Clan. I heard his curse technique was related to a kind of mental attack. It piqued my interest. I had made him believe we had similar goals. It was too easy. I would lend him some resources and men. He was so eager and willing to help me with most of the plan.

Sukuna had failed me. But that's alright. It would be more interesting when the Six Eyes brat everyone looked up to turned into a curse user, and ultimately became the New King of Curses.


Author's note:

Fun Fact: Mr. Heavenly Restriction ships it.

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