chapter 13 - Personal Playground Domain

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Having gotten too many shocking revelations in one day (Poor Gojo), Gojo could recover from one quicker each time. Now Gojo was strolling in his domain, hand in hand with Sukuna.

"Sukuna, do you think my domain looks cool?"

Sukuna gave one look around and answered, "It's dark and empty."

Gojo pouted, "You don't like it?"

"I like that it's strong."

"You know that's not what I meant."

Sukuna chuckled. He was just messing with Gojo. Gojo looked cute when he pouted. Sukuna replied, "I like the stars."

Infinite Void was already majestic with its flowing lights. The bright stars above made it better. The constellations shone in the dark abyss, glittering as if they're announcing their presence.

Gojo was pleased Sukuna thought the stars of his domain were pretty. Sukuna had always liked stars. Sukuna had been lying on the snow star-gazing the first day they met. Gojo said with a smile, "I bet they're in my domain because of how much my dear soulmate likes them."

"Well, don't expect my domain to have mochi. As much as I love you, Six Eyes, I don't think my domain can do that."

Gojo laughed, "Sukuna, I didn't even think of that. Now I really want to know what your domain looks like."

It warmed Sukuna's heart every time Gojo laughed. "I can show you after you take back Infinite Void ."

Gojo whooped. Gojo was eager to see Sukuna's domain. The barrier of Infinite Void cracked and the domain soon faded. They're back at the top of the mountain. Gojo looked at Sukuna expectantly.

Sukuna was amused by how fast Infinite Void popped away. Sukuna chuckled, "That eager, huh?"

Gojo's eyes were sparkling with anticipation. Gojo waved a hand at him and urged, "Just do it already!"

"So impatient..." Sukuna didn't waste any more time. He did his hand sign for his domain.

"Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine ."

A red monstrous flame rose and swirled around them (because apparently Gojo wasn't the only one who wanted to impress and was dramatic with the effects). As the flame dissipated, Malevolent Shrine was there in all its glory.

Gojo stared at Sukuna's domain in awe. It was the first time he had ever seen a domain without a barrier. It had a distorted shrine with enormous horns on its roof and 4 large mouths as entrances, surrounded by piles of skulls with horns.

Gojo thought this domain was supposed to look intimidating. But he loved that Malevolent Shrine was surrounded by-

"Snow!" Gojo grabbed a handful of snow and threw it in the air.

Everywhere was covered in snow. There was snow on the roof of the shrine, on the human skulls that were hung from it, and on the other huge skulls on the ground. A thick layer of snow was now on the top of the mountain due to Sukuna's domain.

Sukuna stood in front of his shrine and looked at Gojo running around his domain with a soft smile. Sukuna knew very well why the snow was here. It was snowing when he first met Gojo. And after that, Gojo would sit on the snow next to him, just talking and trying to get close to him. No matter how many times Sukuna ignored him, Gojo would keep coming back to find him on every snowy day.

Sukuna had grown to love the idiot. Gojo meant so much to him now. Gojo managed to completely change his world for the better just by being with him. The memory of the snowy day of meeting Gojo for the first time was so important that it impacted his soul. Sukuna didn't care that the snow made his domain less intimidating. Seeing how happy Gojo was with the snow right now, Sukuna was definitely not complaining.

(GoSuku) Kikufuku Mochi and KimonoWhere stories live. Discover now