chapter 15 - Nightmare Echo

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Gojo was supposed to have training with Haruto today. Gojo was usually late for the trainings after sneaking out to meet Sukuna. But as Haruto had approved of his relationship with Sukuna, Gojo had a better idea.

After asking the servants where his uncle was, Gojo headed to one of the guest rooms. That room currently belonged to a scientist the elders had hired. The scientist had said his name was Kai. But Gojo had always thought that guy was sketchy. That scar around his forehead was weird.

Gojo went into the room without knocking and pursed his lips as he saw Haruto playing shogi (Japanese chess) with Kai at the desk. Gojo knew Haruto liked doing experiments and would do them with Kai to personally monitor the process of the 'Prison Realm' project. Gojo didn't understand why his uncle would spend time with Kai beyond that.

Kai seemed annoyed by the interruption. Good. Gojo thought with a smirk.

Haruto looked away from the chess board and asked Gojo gently, "Is there anything you need, Satoru?"

Gojo went to Haruto's side, "I want to go training."

"Now?" Haruto said in surprise. Gojo had never wanted to start his training early.

Kai made a move on the chess board and said in a displeased tone, "We're in the middle of a game. You can have your training later."

Gojo glowered at Kai, "That's not for you to decide."

"It's alright. We can go training now," Haruto said fondly, ignoring Kai's disapproving look.

Gojo's mood immediately brightened. Kai huffed when Gojo looked at him smugly.

Haruto got up from his chair and told Kai, "We can continue the game later."

Kai just hummed in acknowledgement, though he was still obviously not pleased about it.

Gojo grabbed Haruto's arm and teleported away.

Kai, less commonly known as Kenjaku, sulked for a few moments. He couldn't even play chess with Haruto in peace. That Six Eyes brat always had to ruin his plans, no matter how big or small they were.


Haruto stood in front of Sukuna's home, confused. He had thought Gojo was going to teleport them to their usual training spot. Haruto looked at Gojo questioningly.

"Please let Sukuna train with us," Gojo said in a hopeful tone. "I want to have all my training sessions with him from now on."

After Haruto's meeting with Sukuna, Gojo didn't need to sneak out to meet Sukuna anymore. Haruto had told Gojo he would let him spend time with Sukuna before having their weekly training sessions. This was the first training session after setting the new arrangement. Gojo thought having the training sessions with Sukuna would double the time he could spend with him.

Haruto smiled in realization, "Of course."

Gojo beamed. He didn't expect Haruto would agree so easily. Letting Sukuna train with them would mean revealing Haruto's domain to Sukuna. Most sorcerers kept the ability of their domain a secret because it was their trump card. Haruto agreeing showed he was willing to trust Sukuna and considered him family. That meant so much to Gojo.

Sukuna opened the door when he had heard their voices outside. Gojo gave Sukuna a hug, "Sukuna."

Sukuna hugged Gojo and stroked the soft strands of Gojo's hair, "Hey, Six Eyes."

Letting go of his boyfriend, Sukuna nodded to Haruto politely, "Haruto."

"Sukuna," Haruto greeted. "Satoru wants you to join his training session."

(GoSuku) Kikufuku Mochi and KimonoWhere stories live. Discover now