chapter 26 - Behind The Scenes

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Author's notes:

I'm so happy y'all like the last chapter. So I decided to upload this very early new chapter this week XD

Gojo: It's just a prank, bro
The prank:


3 weeks before 'Ligma'

Haruto was worried when he saw the way Gojo and Yorozu were acting today. Had they fought last night? Gojo had just suddenly forced Yorozu out of his room and didn't let her get back in anymore. He decided to ask Gojo about it tonight.

After the busy day, Haruto opened Gojo's door, "Satoru-"

Four pairs of eyes turned to him, uh, more like one pair, two pairs and one blindfolded.

Haruto stepped out, closed the door, counted to 3 and opened the door again.

Yup, still the same.

Gojo was in his room playing Karuta (card game) on the floor with Yorozu and Sukuna.

Why was Yorozu chilling in Gojo's room? When did Sukuna get here? How was Yorozu so calm about being in the same with the King of Curses?


Sukuna nodded at Haruto in greeting, while Yorozu was gawking at him as she kept shooting glances between him and Sukuna.

Yorozu leaned to Gojo and whispered, "He knew about you and Sukuna?"

Gojo confirmed it with a smile, "He knew."

Yorozu relaxed and bowed her head to Haruto, "Haruto-sama."

Gojo waved at Haruto and said excitedly, "Come in! We've just started a new round. But we can stop now because we have something really important to tell you."

"Here we go again," Sukuna mumbled. He got off the floor and climbed on Gojo's bed which was full of... paper cranes?

Haruto got in the room and closed the door. As Gojo was tidying the cards on the floor, Haruto sat next to him, "Alright, what's going on?"

"Sukuna got here yesterday and Yorozu found out. We talked and now we're okay. But that's not important-"

That was so brief! How was it 'not important'?

Gojo ignored Haruto's obvious curiosity about what happened yesterday. Gojo didn't want to tap into that chaotic mess. He jumped straight to the point, "Let me tell you about the Ligma Event!"

Haruto gave up on his inquiry about the happenings of yesterday and proceeded to listen about the most bizarre plan he had heard in his life. Both Gojo and Yorozu were so eager to explain their master plan. Sukuna added a few ideas here and there. Haruto got on board very soon after.

Not only could the plan get rid of Gojo's marriage, it could also annoy the damn Zenins. Haruto had always disliked the Head of the Zenin Clan. The Zenin Head thought he was tough shit. He had also disrespected Haruto the moment Haruto's mind control curse technique got weakened due to the Binding Vow. (Haruto's Binding Vow of never mind controlling sorcerers of sorcerer clans)

"Haruto, do you think the healers could fake diagnosing me with Ligma?"

"I don't think the healers will be convincing enough."

"Then who?"

"Kai might be helpful-"


"Whoa, who's Kai?" came Yorozu's curious tone.

"He's a weirdo who's been trying to seduce my uncle!"


(GoSuku) Kikufuku Mochi and KimonoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz