chapter 21 - A Thorn In His Side

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"Of all girls, you have chosen her?" Gojo scrunched up his face in shock and horror. He had been trying to stay calm about the situation but this was simply unacceptable.

Grandpa folded his hands on his desk and replied, "I didn't have many choices to begin with. Most girls are already married or engaged at your age. She was the only one who wasn't in a relationship and with acceptable status and power that was worthy of being your wife."

"Wonder why," Gojo rolled his eyes. Gojo tried to talk some sense into his grandpa. "She is still single because she's unbearable. You should know how she is."

Grandpa hummed and retorted, "Personality-wise, I don't think you are any better."

Gojo gaped. He was appalled. Was his grandpa serious? Yes, he had done small things like mixing dog poop into the elders' tea or used Azure Blue to destroy his cousin's room while 'training'. But he didn't think he was anywhere near as bad as Yorozu. "She literally likes abusing servants and walking around naked."

"That is just gossip, Satoru. She has been here for 3 days now and she's been well-mannered and proper."

Well-mannered and proper. There was no way his grandpa just used these words to describe Yorozu. And 3 days, ha! She just didn't show her true colors during these 3 days.

These 3 days that she's been... here.

She's here?!

"She's here? Right now?" Gojo asked as he put his hand in his hair in agitation.

"Yes, she is. She has been staying in a guest room. But her belongings should have been moved to your room after you got back."

"What? No!"

Ignoring Gojo's obvious unwillingness, Grandpa said, "Satoru, she's going to be your wife. You two will share the same room and the same bed."

"We're not married yet. We don't have to share a room."

Wait. Gojo had a horrible thought.

Nope. Nonononono-

"No! I'm not getting married today!"

Grandpa said in slight exasperation, "What are you thinking, Satoru? You are not getting married today. You've just got back home."

Gojo grumbled, "What do you expect me to think when everything is so sudden?"

Then he asked the dreaded question, "When is the wedding?"

"A month from now."

That was so soon. Gojo ran a hand down his face, "Shit... There's no way out of this?"

Grandpa sighed, "Stop being so dramatic. It's not the end of the world."

Gojo glared, "It might as well be."

Grandpa could see it was going to be difficult for Gojo to accept this marriage. But he was not changing his mind about this. "Talk to her. You'll see she's not as bad as you think. She's in our garden right now."

No thanks. Gojo stood from his chair and walked to the door, "I have just finished my week-long mission. I need rest."

"I know you're not tired. I will not let you hide away in your room for the day. You should at least greet your fiancée. It's only proper."

Gojo just wanted to leave. With his hand on the sliding door, he said, "I don't care."

Grandpa said in a stern tone, "Satoru, this is not how an heir of the Gojo Clan should act. You better go see her now."

(GoSuku) Kikufuku Mochi and KimonoWhere stories live. Discover now