Chapter 3

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''What is this?'' Naruto frantically asked. His heart was beating faster and he was breathing faster too. He was panicking and he would do what any child would in such situation: run to his parental figures-- the Third Hokage and Iruka Umino. Naruto was about to run but he clutched his eye as a pain suddenly surged.

Do not go;  do not show

'What?' Naruto questioned. He heard a voice tell him not to go and not to show. As he tried to get up, he suddenly fell on his back and he could not move.

Do not go! Do not show!

''Okay! Okay! I won't!'' Naruto nearly shouted as he told the voice. In his current state of fear, he dared not anger whatever this thing was. He thought it best to just do as it told him. Naruto could then move freely and he stood up. ''Please don't hurt me anymore.'' He said to his eye and he walked to wash his face.

Naruto looked at his reflection in the mirror. His red eye was creepy to look at and he didn't like to stare at it for long. After he washed his face, he dried his face with a face towel and applied the cream that the doctors provided him with. He put his eye patch back on and went to his bed and slept.

-Saturday, Hidden Leaf village-

Naruto woke up rather early today, especially compared to other days when he would more often than not be late for class. After he woke up, he washed his face and prepared some food to eat. He remembered about the books he took from the old Senju compound that he hid in his cupboard. He went to take one of the three books and to read and study it.

The book he took was called the Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis or the Lesser Key of Solomon. A black book with words in a language Naruto did not understand, it was bigger than his academy textbooks and it had a purple gem-- amethyst-- at the centre. What surprised the blonde was that he could apparently understand the words!

'But, I don't remember learning about such a language.' Naruto thought and he put his hand over his right eye. 'Eye, are you doing this?'

Aígli Théama

'Glamour sight? Is that like... your name?' Naruto asked and was surprised that he understood words from a foreign language again. 'I think... you can help me understand languages. Amazing! Now, I won't have trouble with my classwork anymore.' Naruto thought in joy and he began to read the Lesser Key of Solomon.

A grimoire or book of magic spells, the Lesser Key of Solomon was made up of five books: the Ars Goetia, Ars Theurgia Goetia, Ars Paulina, Ars Almadel, and finally, the Ars Notoria. The first book, the Ars Goetia, contained a list of 72 demon spirits that can be summoned and commanded. With the ring of Solomon, the control of the demon spirits would be complete and unrivalled.

'Ring of Solomon? Could it be the ring I picked up?' Naruto thought as he looked at his pillow where he hid the ring. 'And what do these titles mean? King, duke, marquis, earl and... president?' Naruto wondered as he read through the Ars Goetia.

Requirements to summon any of the 72 spirits included a perfectly drawn circle and other stuff may be included as well like salt, blood, fire, olive branches, etc. Each of the 72 demons had their unique traits, powers, abilities and symbols;  to summon one of them, you must use their symbol, call out their name and titles and they may be bound to you. With the ring of Solomon, the control may be absolute.

'Cool.' Naruto thought as he finished reading the introduction. He moved and read through the other pages and each of the 72 demons.

A perfectly drawn circle, chants, a bit of his chakra and maybe some blood and the spirit would appear. If the spirit is bound, then a magic circle with four smaller circles and other symbols would appear. If the spirit's personal insignia appeared, the demon was yours to command.

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