Chapter 44

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Neji Hyuga and Tenten were stopped in their tracks by none other than Naruto Namikaze. The prodigy of the Hyuga clan was extremely nervous and scared at the moment;  he knew that there was no hope of surviving if the blonde in front of them wanted to end their lives.

'There's no hope of winning against him.' Neji mentally cursed to himself. He took a brief glance at his teammate, Tenten, and knrw that even if they worked together, they could not escape. 'If it needs be, I can at least sacrifice myself so that Tenten can escape. But Naruto might have a way of catching her. What do I do in this situation?'

''Neji Hyuga and Tenten. What are you doing out here?'' Naruto asked them.

Taking a gulp of his saliva, Neji, in a cautious manner, answered, ''We were out on a patrol mission.''

''Patrol? Funny. I didn't think that the prestigious Hyuga clan would allow it's clan members, especially their prodigy of all people, to go out on simple tasks like patrol outside their own clan compounds.'' Naruto remarked.

'Well, in my defense, I did have to do this since I lost against miss Haruno.' Neji defended himself. ''I heard that you were there to watch the Hidden Mist chunin exams. If you don't mind, may I ask why?''

''No reason. I just... wished to see how my peers were doing, I suppose.'' Naruto replied.

''I see. How do you think we performed in the exams?''

''I'd say you all improved somewhat but I'm no expert at gauging the power levels of someone.''

''If it's not too much, may I ask that you spare us?'' Neji asked of Naruto.

''Neji!'' Tenten called out to her teammate in a low tone. ''What are you doing?''

''We can't win against him, Tenten;  you know that well. If Naruto wants, he can easily just kill us and be done with it.'' Neji answered his teammate and looked back at Naruto. ''We won't tell anyone that we saw you if you let us live and go. I promise.''

''You may.'' Naruto replied after a five second delay. His quarrel was with Danzo Shimura and the Foundation;  but if anyone stood in his way, he'll finish them. The two in front of him just wanted to live. ''I will keep you to your word, Neji Hyuga. But if you break it, there will be dire consequences for you.''

''I know.'' Neji replied and was about to leave but he had to ask more questions while the oppurtunity was there. ''Why did you try to kill Danzo, Naruto? What is your purpose for wanting the new Hokage dead?''

''Why do you wish to know?''

''Perhaps I'm just curious.''

Naruto answered, ''Would you believe me if I told you that Danzo Shimura is the reason for the near extinction of my clan, Neji Hyuga?''

Neji and Tenten were shocked to hear that. ''You have a clan?'' Neji asked.

''There once was an Uzumaki clan, a cousin of the Senju clan that founded the Leaf village alongside the Uchiha. There were a clan that specialised in fūinjutsu and, if records are to be believed, were the ones who created the caged bird seal. Like the one on your forehead.''

On hearing that, Neji's eyes widened. He put his hand over his forehead, where the caged bird seal was, and it took a moment for him to process that. Naruto's clan was the one that created the instrument of his enslavement.

Naruto continued, saying, ''During the Second Ninja War, Danzo and his Foundation worked to destroy my clan's home: the Hidden Whirlpool. My mother was lucky to have survived Whirlpool's destruction. Danzo... he will pay for his crimes.''

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