Chapter 40

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          -capital city of Hastinapur-

Karin Uzumaki was part of a team of genin;  her teammates being two ninja from the Hidden Waterfall, a boy named Arata and a girl named Himari. Their team sensei was Kagezaki Uzumaki and they were going to the Hidden Mist village to participate in the chunin exams.

The young Uzumaki girl was inside Naruto's throne room. The blonde king of the secret nation had wanted to give her a farewell.

''Best of luck to you out there, Karin. Do your best and don't be worried about Grass or Leaf or any other hidden village. Kagezaki will protect you if need be.'' Naruto told the still in-training medic girl.

Karin nodded her head and got over her nervousness. ''I'll do my best, Naruto. When I return, I'll be a chunin.'' She replied with enthusiasm.

''I know you will.''

Karin then walked out of Naruto's throne room and she made it to the palace doors where her team was waiting for her. She walked towards them and her designated team sensei was smoking his cigarettes.

''Are you ready?'' Kagezaki asked and his team nodded their heads. ''Good. We can all leave now.''

Karin then noticed Suigetsu coming along with them. ''Suigetsu? What are you doing here?'' Karin asked the water boy.

''Off to Mist with you guys of course.'' Suigetsu replied.

''Right. I forgot you were originally from there.''

''Yeah. And I'm to get Zabuza senpai's sword and become it's new owner. Boss man's orders.''

''Aren't you going to participate in the chunin exams with us?'' Karin asked and Suigetsu shook his head 'no'.

''Nope.'' He simply replied.

''You can continue your chatter on the way. We make our journey now.'' Kagezaki told them and they all proceeded towards the Land of Water and the Hidden Mist.


Teams 8, 10 and Guy had set out from the Hidden Leaf village and were going to the Hidden Mist village to participate in the chunin exams.

Team Guy had a temporary replacement for Lee with them and, depending on their results, would be either taken out or stay longer. Rock Lee was still under treatment and the doctors were trying their best to bring him back to top physical shape.

''Nervous, Ino?'' Asuma asked his student. Of all the Leaf genins who took part in the previous chunin exams, her performance was the absolute worst of the worst.

''No. I'm not nervous, Asuma sensei.'' Ino replied. She had put her training above her stupid crush ever since the exams and Ino believed herself to be stronger than before.

''We're always here to support you if you need us, Ino.'' Choji Akimichi said to his teammate while munching chips.

''You still feel saddened over Sakura, Ino?'' Asuma asked.

''I... I just didn't think she'd go so easily like that, sensei. Sakura's tougher than that, I know she is.'' Ino replied. 'Sakura, why'd you have to go so early?' Ino lamented at losing her former rival/best friend.

''You got it, Tenten? If we encounter a team, you throw a shuriken barrage at me and I'll use my rotation to scatter them towards the enemy.'' Neji told his teammate and she nodded.

''Got it, Neji.'' Tenten replied. She then looked at their temporary teammate with indifference. They weren't close to him like Lee;  he was just a temporary replacement and a Foundation initiate. They barely knew his name.

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