Chapter 19

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Sakura Haruno carried her two unconscious teammates, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha, on her shoulders. She was strong but carrying two boys was difficult. Her body was covered in sweat, her clothes were drenched in her own sweat and she was panting. Her mind felt like it was going to lose consciousness and faint.

But Sakura couldn't allow that to happen. Her teammates had been carrying her the whole time while she did absolutely nothing. Carrying them to safety and protecting them till they could wake up was the least she could do.

Sakura's legs were shaky but she told herself to continue moving. There was a good place to hide just up ahead. 'Just a little bit more.' She kept telling herself and she kept walking and walking. Finally, she reached a cave like structure in the forest and she carefully put both Naruto and Sasuke down.

Sakura sat down and she was breathing heavily. She could see darkness crawling at the very corner of eyes, her exhaustion coming to her. But she made herself strong. 'No Sakura. Don't sleep now.' She mentally told herself. 'Naruto and Sasuke need you;  you have to protect them.'

Sakura took the heaven scroll from Sasuke and also the scrolls from Naruto. She focused her chakra to the blonde's storage scrolls and some food to eat came out. She started a fire and she put wet towels on the foreheads of both her teammates. She took out a kunai just in case someone would appear to attack them. As she sat, protecting the sleeping forms of her teammates, her mind couldn't help but wonder off to the events of today.

'That Grass ninja... she, no. He said his name was Orochimaru, one of the Legendary Three. But, what would someone like him want with Sasuke?' Sakura wondered as she looked at the Uchiha. 'Oh, Sasuke... what did he do to you?'

Then, her gaze turned to Naruto Uzumaki. 'Naruto, what was that black fire you shot today?' She wondered. However, the black flames were just one part of the overall mystery of 'Who is Naruto Uzumaki?'

He was the son of the Fourth Hokage? And he had a twin sister? What did all of this mean?

Orochimaru revealed this today and it stunned all of Team 7. If Naruto was the Fourth Hokage's son, why didn't anyone tell them of such and why did the villagers despise him so much?

These were questions Sakura had no answer to. But for now, that can wait. Her teammates needed her now more than ever and she would protect them as they protected her.

''It's them alright.'' A spiky haired genin from the Sound reported to his two teammates. ''The Uchiha is there, guarded by his pink freak of a teammate. We can take her out easily.''

''But what about the other one?'' The female asked her two teammates. ''You saw what he did today. What if he wakes up and finds out we're attacking his team?''

''Are you a coward, Kin?'' The first one questioned.

''No. I just don't want to die, Zaku.'' She retorted. ''Not even lord Orochimaru dared to stand and fight that black dragon. Please, Dosu. Reconsider this.''

''Fine.'' The hunchback, bandaged covered genin said to his teammates. ''Let's wait a while before we strike.''

''It's them alright.'' A rain genin wearing yellow and a breathing mask said. ''The ones who ruined our Land of Tea mission.''

''Do we attack now, Oboro?'' his teammate asked and the genin leader nodded.

''Yes.'' Oboro, their team leader, said and he weaved handsigns. ''Haze clone jutsu.'' He said and dozens of clones manifested to attack Team 7.

'Huh?' Sakura heard a twig getting snapped and when she looked at the direction from where the sound came, she saw a whole bunch of clones coming to attack. 'Sorry, Naruto. Hope you don't mind.' Sakura said and took Naruto's sealed weapons scrolls and went out to attack the enemy.

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