Chapter 37

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''I'LL KILL YOU!!" Hiromi Namikaze roared as she entered the nine tails version one: three tailed form. With speeds far exceeding that of regular chunin, she came up behind Hidan and kicked him hard in the stomach, sending him flying a few dozen feet in the air. Then, she punched him continously upwards and slammed the Jashinist down.

Kakashi Hatake was mad furious at what had happened. He had just lost his last student, Sakura Haruno. But, however, he was starting to exhauste himself. The swirl that swallowed Kakuzu's tendrils weakened him but he still had some chakra left. He just needed the right moment to strike; and it was fast approaching.

''Fire style: searing migraine!'' Kakuzu shot his powerful fire jutsu at Hiromi but the jinchuriki tanked it and she rushed towards Kakuzu. ''Water style: water dragon bullet.'' He shot a water dragon but Hiromi came again. Kakuzu hardened his fist and punched Hiromi hard, sending her crashing. ''Fire-wind comb-"

Screeching noises

Kakashi had came up behind Kakuzu and stabbed the rogue Waterfall nin through the heart with his signature lightning blade. Kakashi jumped back but to his surprise, Kakuzu survived. 'What? But how?' Kakashi wondered.

''I almost forgot you were here, Kakashi.'' Kakuzu said as he turned around and looked at Kakashi.

Hiromi saw Hidan again and she charged at the Jashinist. She punched him hard in the face, then several times in the stomach and sent him crashing into Kakuzu. Hiromi formed a big ball rasengan in her hands and she jumped up to slam it onto Hidan and Kakuzu.

''Earth style: mud dome.'' Kakuzu made a dome from the ground but he knew it was useless. ''Wind style: pressure damage.'' He then shot his devastating wind jutsu at Hiromi, sending her flying back. ''Now, to- argh!!''

Hiromi threw Hidan's sharp rod at one of Kakuzu's five hearts and she came and punched Kakuzu hard, sending him flying across the river. Her tails grabbed a boulder and they slammed down hard at Hidan as if he were a nail being hit by a hammer. Hiromi got Hidan back up and she began to beat the Jashinist up.

Kakuzu punched Hiromi and grabbed his partner. With two of his hearts gone, the battle looked quite bleak for him and his partner. Hiromi's skin was starting to tear as her eyes became black and with a red pupil. She was starting to enter the second cloak version of the nine tails chakra. 'She's entering the version two cloak.' Kakuzu was ready to face her.

Hiromi formed a rasengan in her hand and within a split second, she came onto Kakuzu and slammed the rasengan onto him, destroying his fire heart. Kakuzu and Hidan were sent flying and Hiromi was about to enter her four tailed version two cloak. But before she could, Kakashi came with a suppression seal. 

''Nine tails suppression seal: activate.'' Kakashi used the specialised chakra suppression seal that Jiraiya gave him to suppress Hiromi's chakra. After that, he grabbed the girl and retreated via body flicker.

Kakuzu thought of pursuing them but he had lost three hearts-- his lightning, wind and fire hearts-- and he underestimated the nine tails jinchuriki. He decided the best course of action now, was to retreat.

(in a cave)

Kakashi had taken shelter under a cave. His chakra was 90% depleted and he was tired. Whatever the jutsu he used was, it drained him severely. He had just enough chakra to use the suppression seal which Jiraiya made specifically to contain Hiromi should she go near the version two cloak.

Kakashi looked at the unconscious form of Hiromi and he fought his desire to just kill her right there. She was responsible for the death of his last student, Sakura Haruno, and he hated that fact. He wanted to just take a kunai out and stab her or slit her throat. His fingers wriggled, as if wishing to strangle Hiromi and choke her to an early grave.

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