Chapter 23

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After Sakura Haruno recieved the letter from Naruto, she had decided to continue being a ninja and not send in her resignation form. She woke up the next day and was searching the village for Konohamaru.

Finally, she found the boy. Sakura had to fight the urge of not pounding the Hokage's grandson to dust after his comment as she approached him. ''Hey, Konohamaru.''

''Hey! It's Boss' teammate.'' The boy joyfully said and walked to the pink haired girl. ''Say, where's the Boss, miss?''

''Um... out training somewhere secret. You know? Big ninja stuff.'' Sakura answered. It was half true as Naruto was definetly going to train in a secret place but also on a solo A rank mission apparently.

''Oh man! I wished Boss was here to play ninja with me or train.'' Konohamaru pouted.

''Say, he told me to give this letter to your personal instructor. Can you... point me to him, Konohamaru?''

''Of course! Follow me.'' Konohamaru then guided Sakura to his personal trainer. ''Ebisu sensei! I have someone here who wants to see you.''

Sakura already guessed that the man in question was already a ninja. Not surprising that the Hokage would want a ninja to be his grandson's tutor. 'Did Naruto have a special tutor of his own since he's the 4th Hokage's son?' Sakura couldn't help but wonder. It would make sense since Naruto was far stronger than a regular genin.

''Someone wants to see me? I wonder who?'' Ebisu then walked and saw Sakura Haruno with Konohamaru.

''Hi. I'm Sakura Haruno. My teammate Naruto told me he wanted to give you this letter.'' Sakura said and gave Ebisu the letter.

''Ah. Naruto's teammate. I heard he advanced to the chunin finals. I wish to congratulate him on that. Where is he anyways?'' Ebisu asked.

''Ummm... I don't know. I think he's going to train in a secret place or something like that.''

''I thought Kakashi was going to be training Naruto.'' Ebisu raised a brow at Sakura.

''Kakashi sensei's busy training Sasuke for the finals.'' She answered. Ebisu nodded slightly in understanding and opened the letter. It read:

Ebisu sensei

I hope you are feeling well and doing fine. I write this letter to you to request that you train my teammate, Sakura Haruno, in the best way that you can.

Her chakra control is perfect and would be amazing at medical ninjutsu and genjutsu. I cannot reveal where I am at the moment but I will return by the time of the chunin finals and win this thing.

Yours faithfully,

''Well, what does it say?'' Sakura asked with a nervous smile.

''Naruto has asked me to train you for the month, miss Sakura.'' Ebisu revealed, surprising the girl. ''Well, who am I disappoint a genin in need? Let's get started, miss Sakura.''

Sakura enthusiastically nodded at that. ''Yes, Ebisu sensei!''

                    -Land of Spring-

Naruto Uzumaki was intrigued by the technology that the ninjas of the Land of Snow, now renamed the Land of Spring, used. He requested to see their inventory and maybe even acquire some of them.

The jonin commander of the Spring ninjas, a man named Yukihiro, was his guide. ''See anything you like so far, Master Naruto?'' He asked the blonde.

''You don't have to call me that.'' Naruto told the man who just chuckled. ''This armor of yours, it's really interesting. Can you tell me a bit more about it?''

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