Chapter 31

894 31 12

The Angel of Death had advanced in it's stage, now entering the humanoid stage. It looked like the upper body of the demon knight Eligor but made of the ethereal dark blue energy. The flesh, skin and armor obscured Naruto from the sight of the Leaf ninja and he prepared to fight once more those who will stand in the way of his vengeance.

'That thing is twice the size of Madara's humanoid Susanoo.' Danzo looked at the ethereal energy being with fear in his eye. 'And Naruto's position in that thing cannot be seen either;  it seems there are similarities and differences.'

Two energy swords came onto the hands of the Angel of Death and it attacked the Leaf ninjas. ''Earth style: mud dragon jutsu!'' Leaf ninjas shot a mud dragon at the Angel of Death to trap it. ''Fire style: great fireball jutsu!'' And others shot their fire style at it but the Angel of Death was not affected.

Naruto could not be seen from the eyes of the Leaf ninjas;  not even the Hyuga clan's byakugan allowed them to see where he stood. But, they were all very much visible from Naruto's perspective. ''Wind style: rotating shuriken!'' Naruto shot the wind style enlaced shurikens at his enemies, managing to kill two of Danzo's Foundation ANBU but not the man himself.

''Lightning blade!'' Kakashi's signature jutsu clashed with Eligor's Scarlet Lightning powered longsword. The two powerful lightnings created a dome of power and as it exploded, Kakashi was sent flying back.

Kakashi's jonin flak vest was destroyed and his body was injured. Eligor came to attack Kakashi but before the demon knight could attack, Might Guy came with a dynamic entry and kicked Eligor away. ''You okay, Kakashi?'' Might Guy helped his rival and friend get up.

''Yeah. These summons are no joke.'' Kakashi replied as he got up. ''We've been fighting them for minutes on end but not even a scratch.''

Might Guy activated the Eight Inner Gates to help his comrades in the fight. ''Daytime tiger!'' A white tiger of sorts came around the jonin and he kicked Eligor hard. Might Guy continued even further and managed to crack the Angel of Death but it regenerated almost instantly.

Danzo observed this with fascination. 'It seems that the Angel of Death is capable of regenerating itself unlike the Susanoo.' He surmised. ''Wind style: vacuum blast barrage!'' He then shot more wind jutsus at the Angel of Death to aid the Leaf ninjas.

The Angel of Death struck the ground, sending a shock wave that sent the Leaf ninjas flying. Jiraiya's toad summons were not capable of going toe to toe with the Angel of Death;  the Leaf ninjas were running out of options. However, they possessed a jinchuriki.

''Hiromi!'' Jiraiya cried out his apprentice's name as she used the nine tailed fox's chakra and got four tails out.

Hiromi stared at her brother's Angel of Death and charged. She landed a powerful punch but still unable to break the energy construct. The Angel of Death punch Hiromi hard but the jinchuriki got back up. The tails came to snare the Angel of Death and prevent any sort of movement. Scarlet Lightning gathered onto Naruto's hands and he unleashed it in a big burst, hurting the four tailed Hiromi and disintegrating six Leaf ninjas. The Angel of Death struck the ground again and the shock wave sent the ninjas flying back.

The Darkness Flame formed to become a sword and Naruto threw it at the enemy, managing to burn four more ninjas along with Danzo. But the old man soon returned to life via his forbidden jutsu. Hiromi came to attack again but a punch from the Angel of Death sent her flying away. Then, wood came and rammed against the Angel of Death and the wood user shouted, ''Now!''

''Fire style: fire dragon flame bullet!''

''Lightning style: howling wolf fang!''

''Wind style: wind cutter jutsu!''

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