Chapter 29

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A/N: just a heads up but there will be differences with canon and already established lore as we move along.

''Inform lord Danzo.'' Said the medic nin. That name rang repeatedly in Naruto's mind and he was getting anxious.

'No. These are... the Foundation!' Naruto was trying to use his ninjutsu or magic but the ninjas held him down. The medic nin then took out a breathing mask to drug Naruto.

'Somethings not right.' Shikamaru knew that something was wrong but before he could act, Naruto was already drugged and the ninjas took him away.

''What was that all about?'' Kiba Inuzuka asked.

''I dunno but I have a bad feeling about this.'' Shikamaru replied.

''Do you think Naruto will be okay?'' Hinata asked.

''He will. I know he will.'' Sakura replied in an optimistic tone but deep down, she was nervous. ''At least, that's what I hope for.''

(with the others in the village)

The invasion was an absolute disaster. The combined Sand and Sound forces were completely beaten by the ninjas of the Leaf and Naruto's demonic summons. Baki, the top jonin of the Hidden Sand village, ordered a retreat of all Sand ninjas from the Leaf.

''I think that's the last of them.'' Kakashi Hatake said to his fellow jonin.

Kurenai decided to speak up. ''Asuma, when that demon, the one that fought Shukaku appeared, you seemed terrified of it. Like you've seen it before.'' She said and this got Kakashi interested.

''I... I've seen that demon before, Kurenai. Years back when I was still part of Guardian 12.'' Asuma answered her. ''One night, it just suddenly appeared and knocked out all of the people in the Fire Capital, including the Guardian 12. I don't know happened then;  my father simply told me that the demon was subdued. And now, it seems like Naruto has it under his control.''

''Naruto summoning it to attack the Fire Capital doesn't make sense.'' Kurenai Yuhi said to her fellow jonin. ''Maybe, somehow, he managed to get it under his control?''

Kakashi spoke up, saying, ''I think that's more likely. But there is much we don't know about Naruto's power. I think it's time the 3rd Hokage gives us an explanation.''

''The barrier! It's down!'' A chunin pointed out and all Leaf ninja did indeed saw it. The barrier was down and they rushed towards it.

But they were too late. The 3rd Hokage had sacrificed himself to seal the souls of the 1st and 2nd Hokages as well as Orochimaru's arms. The 3rd Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi the Professor of the ninja world, was dead.

(Foundation base)

The Sand Siblings woke up to find themselves in a prison, guarded by the ANBU like people who took them away.

''Gaara, Kankuro, are you okay?'' Temari asked her younger brothers.

''We're fine but, where are we?'' Kankuro asked. It was obvious that they were in a prison but where exactly that prison was located, was the question.

''You are my prisoners now.'' An old voice said and the Sand Siblings looked up to see a bandaged old man walking towards them.

''What do you want with us?'' Gaara asked the old man.

''The Hidden Sand invaded the Leaf, siding with Orochimaru. The Leaf village will get it's revenge on the Sand eventually. As for you three, you will be used to benefit the Leaf.'' The old man told them and all Sand Siblings looked at him with hate. ''The jinchuriki will be subjected to better sealing;  the other's knowledge on puppets will help Leaf ninja and minimize casualties;  as for the girl, she will be useful as breeding stock.''

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