Chapter 24

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Naruto spent that afternoon with Shizuka and as dusk came along, the Nadeshiko kunoichi wished him good luck for the chunin exams and farwell. She said that she needed more time to think on his words and that he might see her again one day.

The blonde Uzumaki was in no rush.

'I am definetly going to demand 13 years worth of compensation from that perverted toad of a hermit.' Naruto thought as he walked by the streets of the Land of Waves.

He didn't hold any hostility regarding the Nadeshiko kunoichi;  but he was rather angry at Jiraiya for calling him his student after 13 years of what was essentially abandonment while his sister enjoyed a semi-regular life. He wanted compensation.

As much as Naruto hated the man for this action, he was no fool. Jiraiya was a very powerful ninja, rich, respected all over the world despite his perverted nature and more. It was time he compensated the blonde in whatever way Naruto demanded, or else, they can forget about having any sort of relationship.

''Goddamn this ship!''

Naruto heard a shout of frustration and walked closer to investigate. A ship, docked on a port in the eastern side of Wave, was seriously damaged and in need of repair. From the looks of things, it would take a very long time. Walking closer, Naruto wished to hear more of this.

''Mister Tazuna.'' Naruto met the bridge builder nearby. ''What happened to this ship?''

''Got caught in a storm or a pirate attack. Something along those lines, I think.'' Tazuna answered;  even he was unsure of what happened. ''But since the captain's a heavy drinker, I bet'cha that it's him mostly.'' He said and chuckled.

''What's the cargo?'' Naruto asked.

''Weapons and supplies. To be transported to the Land of Water and the Hidden Mist village.'' Tazuna replied. ''Dunno if the captain is loyal to the Mizukage or is a rebel sympathizer.''

Naruto walked towards the 8 man crew of the small ship to talk with the captain. ''I see that you are in need of a new transport, captain.'' He stated.

''Whaddaya want, kid?'' The captain asked Naruto. ''Came here to make fun o' me?''

''No. To offer my services to you.''

''You part of a shipping company or you own a boat?''

''No. I am a ninja and I have a way to transport your cargo to the Hidden Mist.'' Naruto told the captain. ''I must ask, who's side are you supporting? The Mizukage or the rebels?''

''Between you and me, the rebels. Ain't right what the current Mizukage is doing to the people.''

''If I help you, I want a share of the pay.'' Naruto told the captain as he took another sip of his alcohol.

''Don't expect too much, kid. I have a crew to pay, ya'know? I can only give you at the most... ummm... 25% and that's it.''

''Fine by me. Tell your crew to unload the cargo.'' Naruto told the captain and the man gave the order. Soon, the crew and a few civilians from Wave began to unload the cargo onto the shore. After half an hour, it was done.

''Now, how we gettin' these supplies across hundreds of miles of ocean, kid?'' The captain asked Naruto.

''Watch.'' A purple circle glowed beneath Naruto's feet and he stretched his left arm out. ''Come forth, Forneus! Great marquis who commands 29 legions.'' Naruto summoned the large demon Forneus and the people witnessed the terrifying and large sea beast.

''W-w-w-w-what i-i-is that t-t-thing!?'' A crew member asked as he and all of the onlookers watched, shaking with terror.

Naruto gave no answer to them and instead, gave his commands to Forneus. ''Get these supplies on your back, Forneus.'' He ordered and the sea beast moved. Spectral water followed Forneus, allowing the demon to 'swim' on land and put all the supplies on his large back. He then hopped onto Forneus, standing atop the sea beast's head.

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