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Gerald turned his head and looked at the first mate with a strange look in his eyes. He looked at the first mate as if he had just met him on the first day.

"And you, my friend, you have not betrayed me, and you have not been blinded by the brilliance of gold. Facts have proved that my choice of you couldn't be more correct." The

loyal first mate hurriedly bent down, and then from his arms He took out an encrypted sheepskin map and presented it to Gerald with both hands.

He has been the first heir of the family for nearly twenty years, and holds such terrible wealth that an ordinary person would never be able to think of even if he breaks his head and dies. Of course, it is impossible for them all to be hidden in one place. These golds, these diamonds and jewels are just a dodge to dazzle people's eyes. The real secret of the treasure lies in this map, which is covered with encrypted emblems that only he can translate.

"The world is full of short-sighted fools," Gerald didn't know whether he was talking to himself or talking softly with an imaginary character. "It's a pity that I can't divide myself into three, and I can't grow a second pair." My arms are always under their control, and I have to use my brain to get what I need from their hands. You know, in the past, I only looked up to one kind of people in this world, and that was someone who knew the current affairs and knew what to measure. A smart person, he'd better have some kind of desirable character, some kind of perseverance in personality, so that I can tolerate him continuing to live after I'm done. And now, I want to say that there is a second kind of person in the world, that It’s the person I can’t understand, but who is full of admiration and regret for him. Such a person makes me lose my reason and embrace madness. Some people call it love... love! Once I look at it, I will most likely Destroyed, defeated, but in order to get it, I am more likely to give everything...just wait! When I complete my revenge, I will walk towards my own end and never look back..." His forehead was filled with

tears . He was sweating profusely and his eyes were frighteningly bright. Gerald picked up the heavy body on the ground and carried it to the captain's cabin to hide it. Because there was no one along the way, the news of Bardas' death was kept secret.

Then, he picked up an empty box and filled it with gold and silver coins and pearl jewelry. He and the first mate carried it out of the cabin and loudly informed everyone that this box of treasures was distributed to those who fought bloody battles to escape from the island. of warriors.

Under the bright sun, a box full of treasures shook my head and feet, and my eyes almost spurted blood.

After hearing the news, the sailors who stayed on the ship were secretly jealous and followed Bardas. The sixty-two sailors who survived were ecstatic and were washed away by the golden light and forgot everything they did. No one thought to question their wounded master; they all rushed forward, stuffing their pockets with gold.

Then, Gerald made another plan: after getting rid of the enemy's pursuit, he would hold a special banquet to entertain these brave sailors. To this end, he gathered all these darlings of fate and luck on a ship, ate, lived, talked and laughed with them. The other crew members who were treated coldly could only be transferred to other ships, looking angrily at their colleagues who had military exploits, glory, and wealth. If it weren't for the majesty of the Thousand-Eyed Crow and the kind words of the first mate and other loyal subordinates, they would have mutinied on the spot.

Three days later, he sadly announced that General Bardas was too seriously injured, and seeing such a huge treasure, blood rushed to his head, and he collapsed on the spot. Due to the lack of medical conditions on the ship, he struggled in bed for several days. , he still died.

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