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After her third son died in infancy, Isabella’s health had been going up and down, and she could never get rid of the entanglement of illness. Agape cannot say that the couple did not have this child by chance.

After all, four years have passed, and many people in the country are looking forward to Isabella giving birth to another healthy child and adding glory to the royal family.

"Your Majesty," Agape gently held her hand in the bedroom. This was his privilege. Among all the ministers of the opposite sex, he was the only one who could be so close to Isabella without arousing the emperor's jealousy. "You look very bad."

Isabella smiled slightly. She had just had morning sickness, her face was pale, and there was a sickly flush on her cheekbones.

"This child is very noisy," she said, "does it make you worried?"

Agape did not say anything. He put the queen's hand into the velvet quilt and covered it carefully. After a while, when only the closest female officer was present, he whispered: "Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I don't think it's time for you to have another child."

Isabella stopped smiling and sighed. Tone: "This child is a blessing from the Holy Spirit. Whether he comes or goes is not something we mortals can decide. Besides, everyone in the court is happy, aren't you happy?" "Giving birth is passing through death

. Whether the door can come back depends on mother's luck. Without the sacred meaning given to it by the world, it is full of severe pain, blood and danger." Agape said sincerely, "It will consume half of your life. Your Majesty."

"Alas, alas," Isabella smiled, "You are obviously a man, why are you more immersed in it than some women when it comes to childbirth? Don't worry, I will be fine, don't worry about me, You are my friend, please bless me."

Because I am not just a man, I have also completely experienced the process of Agape showing a bitter smile, giving birth to a life, and bringing her into this world.

"Speaking of which..." The queen looked at him, lost in thought for a moment, and couldn't help but murmur, "I am already old and will soon be the mother of my fourth child, but you, after so many years, you are still so young, You are still the same as when we first met in the garden, unchanged at all. It’s as if...as if time has stopped on you..."

Agape shook his head: "Time will not let anyone go. Your Majesty. I am also old. Look, here are the white hairs. I pluck them out every day."

Isabella took a look and said: "Liar, this is obviously a light-colored hair. When placed in the sun, it looks like My hair is gray."

Agape: "..."

The trick was exposed, so he had to put down his hand and stare worriedly at the uncoaxable queen.

The two of them chatted and laughed for a while, but it became obvious that Isabella's physical strength could no longer support her. Agape told her to have a good rest and not to work too hard, and then returned home. He sat on the chair by the window, and the breeze blew through the white window screen. Agape couldn't help but keep his thoughts wandering, and remained silent.

In fact, he was also a little tired.

The conversation with Isabella reminded him of the situation when he first arrived in the seaside town.

At that time, he had a bulging belly, but his limbs were still very thin. People who didn't know the inside story just thought he had a strange disease. Agape lived in the noisy and dirty port for more than two months. He was still enjoying freedom greedily and learning to adapt to the days when a person can control his own time. Old Aiden took a look around and said no, They moved him overnight to an empty house near the city center, which later became a small building.

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