Chapter 23

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"Otomari and Takamiya-senpai," Yuuta spoke with excitement. "It's great to see you two alive and well!"

"As do you, Sakuragi," said Koki. "And Mr. Saito, too."

"Likewise," he responded politely. Though he did not seem too particularly happy about seeing the samurai, rather yet he was indifferent about it. He had been this way since he left along with Saya and Yuuta. Funny to think he still must have been worried about Hitomi, the girl he was protecting, even though she was already in safe hands with the Renmei.

"Say, where's Asayano-senpai?" asked Yuuta in surprise. "Isn't he with you guys?"

Shintaro responded with a dejected face, "He's not with us, I'm afraid."

Yuuta got the impression and he, too, was saddened. "I see," he said.

"Now, now, Sakuragi," said Keiko. "There's no confirmation to say Asayano is alive or dead as of yet. Speaking of which, that's why I called you all here."

"What is it, Mom?" asked Saya.

"I was just on the phone with the president of the Renmei in regards of the current circumstances. When I informed him that you lost Asayano, he was shocked and needed some time to think. When he called me back minutes later, he and the committee decided to send out someone to take over Asayano's place and assist you from here on out."

"A replacement?" said Shintaro. "Do we need one, especially when we're close to finishing our task?"

"Like it or not if you will, but the Renmei thought it would be better that way, because we still have the Hagetaka searching out for us. There's even some here in Shikoku, mind you."

"So, who is that replacement?" asked Saya.

"Chief advised me not to tell you, but he said you will be somewhat surprised. Not to mention, this replacement will have another person to accompany with."

"So, not one but two people, they will come here?"

"That's right."

"So, when are they coming?" asked Koki.

"In the morning."

Keiko decided to end the discussion, for that was all she had to say. With no questions about the replacement, she dismissed them in peace.

Saya stepped in, "Mom, before we go, do you know where Dr. Sakai is? He was here with you not long ago, wasn't he?"

"I believe he's staying in one of the VIP rooms," said Keiko. "Why do you ask?" Her daughter answered she wanted to speak with him, but Keiko advised her not to. "He must be taking a rest right now, since it's nearly midnight. Best wait till tomorrow."

Saya understood and she nodded. She left along with the men and waited outside, standing in front of the door to her mother's office. She brought the discussion, speculating who Naotaka's replacement would be.

Everyone was thinking, and Koki muttered 'I wonder.' He had this wild guess on whoever this replacement was, but he preferred not to say. Then they all turned to Saito, who was still thinking. They asked him who he thought that person was.

Saito did not catch their question, still dazed by the thought of who that replacement was. "Maybe... Just maybe..." And he walked away with excusing himself.

"What's up with him?" said Shintaro, annoyed. "He's been acting strange since we left Kyoto."

"I wonder," muttered Koki.

"Again with the 'I wonder'. Can you tell what it was?"

But Koki did not bother answering. He just stood by, staring at Saito walking away.

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