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Waking up and rolling over to find its 10:37 in the morning was a shock to me. I normally don't sleep in, and especially not on a weekend. I either train or go out with friends. I don't waste time sleeping.

My stomach grumbles as I roll out of bed, my big tee rolled up to my waist. Pulling down my shirt. I run my hands through my hair, at least it wasn't disgusting anymore.

Pulling open my door to find Samuel walking past. "Hey Samy, what's going on brutha?" I ask is a weird, guy sounding voice. He turned around and looks at me with his eyebrows raised.

"You sure are one weird chick." He says, the look on his face proved to me I was creeping him out. "I've known you since you were born, and I swear, you're getting weirder ever day."

As he tries to get away, I skip after him. "Oh Samy, I totally agree with you. I'm fucked up, but that's okay, cause I'm an alpha so everyone has to respect me." I say in a sing song voice.

"You creep-" Samuel starts to say, before I cut him off when I smell bacon.

"Yay, bacon." I squeal. God I love it, it's the candy of meats. So good.

I run into the kitchen to get some of that delicious meat candy I could smell. I grab a plate from the cupboard, before serving myself some bacon, scrabbled eggs, tomato and toast.

I walk out to the table, taking a seat and digging in. I practically moan when I taste the amazing flavour of the meat candy. There is so much candy in this world. Eye candy, meat candy, actual candy, and I'm sure there is other candies I just haven't found them just yet.

Sighing when I finish my bacon, I start the on the other food. I don't understand why food has got to end, like now it's all gone, what do I do?

I was half way through my plate when someone knocked on the door. I was about to get up when someone pulled the door open and the smell off a forest that had just been rained on wafted to me, overtaking the smell of my food.

I heard voices, but could catch anything, so I went to the front door. He was beautiful, I hadn't met him before, but I felt like I had.

I knew he smelt me, and look past Samuel, who had opened the door, to see me. "Hey gorgeous." Was all he said, as soon as he finished looking me over.

Samuel look back at me, and through mind link I told him one word. Mate.

"Samuel, go away please." I said, not taking my eyes off the gorgeous stranger.

"You sure Ven?" Samuel looked at me, and when I didn't respond, shrugged and left us.

"Ven?" He asked, testing the nickname. I rolled off his tongue perfectly. "Is that a nickname?" I just nodded. "What's your full name, honey?" He said, walking closer to me.

"Haven." I said quietly.

"Haven, it's perfect." My name rolled off his tongue perfectly. "When my brother said he found our mate, and left without her. I knew I'd like you instantly." He laughed, a perfect, harmonious laugh.

"What's your name?" I asked him, surprised at how shy I was acting.

"Kiran." He voiced huskily, and just then was it that I realised, that I had, twin mates. He must have noticed my expression. "I knew Josh was an idiot not to tell you."

"I have twin mates?" I asked out loud, shit this was confusing.

"Yes, baby girl." Kiran whispered softly in my ear. I hadn't even noticed him lean forward.

"But I'm not a twin." I voice my confusion, I'm not a twin. Am I? I don't think I am. Wait, yesterday, my mate. He was the alpha. Oh shit.

"We're alphas honey. We only need one, and that one is you."

I stare at him in shock, letting his words sink in. I am meant to make two mates happy, and instead of having the risk of hurting one, I have the risk hurting two. Fuck.

"I think there's some sort of mistake. There has got to be a mistake." I said looking around like I'm trying to find something. "How the fuck did I end up with two mates?" I say quietly, angry and confused.

"It's okay, everything will be okay." He said soothingly.

"No, it isn't!" I all but scream in his face. "I have a pack to take over, and run. You both have packs to run. You both will get to run your packs and I'll have to sit in the background, doing fucking nothing." I huff angrily, moving away from him.

"Baby, baby. Look at me." Kiran sighed when I refused to look at him, softly grabbing my chin, causing sparks to explode on my face. My face heated up like the tomatoes I was eating earlier.

I looked up at him, and he was so close, I would only have to move my face a little bit closer, and I'd be kissing him. So, naturally, I did.

He is my mate after all.

It was the most amazing kiss I'd ever had. Beautiful and passionate, even with the slight need coming from both sides.

Once we broke apart, Kiran looked at me with this lust in his eyes, I have never seen that look before. "Oh god, you're only half naked and I'm hugely turned on." He whispered huskily.

I rubbed myself up against him, loving the feeling of the sparks flying from his body into mine. It was beautiful, I don't know how I'd lived without it before today. I'm not letting go of this feeling.

"Take me with you." I growl lightly. He starts to kiss me again, trailing down my cheek and onto my neck. He lightly bit the skin where he will mark me in the future, and made me moan softly.

"Go pack your stuff baby, I'll talk to your dad about everything, you're coming with me wether you, or your dad, likes it." He said huskily, I nodded and ran up the stairs.

I heard him sigh, and walk down the hallway, figuring out where my dad would be.

I throw open my bedroom door and grab my suitcase out of the closet. I grab clothes and practically throw them into the bag. I put some shoes in there as well.

I grab a frame off my side table and put it in my case. It's a photo of my dad and I once we really got close. I was about 11 in the photo, and it's my favourite photo.

We both have big smiles on our faces. We had played a game of baseball with some other pack members, and my team won. We got separated and got very competitive. It was a great day.

I was finally ready to go, when I realised I wasn't exactly wearing much. I put on some boyfriend jeans and rushed out of my room. Pulling my suitcase and carrying another bag. I put them at the front door and rushed down the hall.

I stopped in front of the office door, before pushing it open. My father sat in his chair, Kiran sat in front of him, and they were talking about baseball. What the freak. I thought Kiran came in here to talk about me.

"Hey, I'm ready to go." I say, looking at Kiran. Who was already looking at me. I stood next to him, and he pulled me down, onto his lap.

"I thought you didn't want to leave with a mate, Ven?" Dad asked, looking at me. Just when he said that Kiran decided to start nibbling my neck.

"I didn't daddy, but I don't know how I would live without a mate now. I probably would have gone with Josh if the circumstances had been different." I said in a breathy voice, look at him and kind of loathing Kiran at that very moment.

Dad looked over us, a smile coming onto his face. "Well as long as you're happy with it, I am. You've found your mates, and I'm happy that you will finally get what you deserve." He looked at Kiran, his face going from an easy, happy smile, to the scary as shit face only an alpha can pull off. "If either of you hurt her, I will hunt you down and make you pay."

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