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"A knife?" He questioned nervously.

"Good job. But this knife is blunt. And it's not meant for cutting people." A cruel smirk came to stay on my face. "It's for stabbing people."

He looked scared.

"You see, I have many of these knives, I use them to practice my throwing skills. And you're my target." I laughed as I moved back to the table and got three more identical knives.

"Please don't throw them at me." He pleaded. "I'm not ready to die."

"I didn't say you would die." I yelled angrily. "Do you think so lowly of me that I would lie to you. You are not going to die if you tell me what you know!"

"I-I-I'm sorry Haven." He gulped nervously.

"Okay, well, let's move you against a wall." I looked at the masked man, who nodded and pushed Loren up against one of the concrete walls.

"Are you actually going to throw those knives at me?" He asked, looking around nervously.

"Of course I am. Just to let you know, I don't miss." I smiled malevolently and took my place. "Now, don't move."

My laugh ran out as I threw the first blade at him. It sliced the top of his ear and lodged itself in the concrete. "Oops." I giggled.

He turned his head and looked at the knife in shock. "How did you do that?" He turned back to me, astonished.

"I have a strong arm." I told him smugly. It was actually foam that felt like concrete because there was concrete behind it, and it was mixed with it. But he didn't need to know that.

"You certainly string a nice web of lies, don't you Haven." He told me smugly.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I growled at him. He was disrespecting me and I was the one holding the knives.

"I know that's foam, I know you lying to your mates, and even yourself. And I know you're being taken over by darkness." He said with a smug tone.

"I don't know what you're talking about." My tone went neutral. My face was hopefully unreadable.

"Yes you-" My beautiful ring tone of Breathe Me by Sia played out. Interrupting him.

I growled at Loren and read the caller idea. It was Josh. "Hey sweetie." I answered him, smirking at Loren as I held the phone to my ear.

"Hey Ven, whatcha up to?" He asked. Well I couldn't tell him, that would be awkward.

"Nothing much. How 'bout you?" I asked, holding a stare off with Loren.

"Just wondering about you. You've been gone for a few hours now and we have no idea where you are." He told me sweetly.

"Well I'm fine, just pack work. I'll be up soon, just gotta finish off here. I'll see you then?" I asked, trying to finish of the conversation.

"Sure, we'll be around the kitchen or games room." He told me, and obviously Kiran as well because I heard a grunt of agreement.

"Cool, see ya."

"Bye hon, be safe." And I hung up on him. Getting back to what's in front of me. Torchuring Loren for information.

A few hours later, I had gotten enough out of Loren to be satisfied for now. My father would've recorded everything so I didn't have to remember much.

Exiting the room, I left the masked man to deal with Loren, I met my father outside the room.

"Good job, honey. I'm glad you didn't kill him." He seemed proud. Probably because last time I torchured someone, they pissed me off so much I threw a knife in between their eyes.

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