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A reaction? No heartbeat?

They can't be serious.

I'm alive. I can hear them.


I can't feel the pain anymore.

But I hadn't given into the peaceful blackness yet!

I screamed.

But it only echoed in my head.

"Quick, give her 10cc of pure adrenaline!"

I felt something piece my skin. A needle I assumed.

There was no sting of the liquid entering my system. Although the cruel numbness began to give way to another empty feeling. A more cruel, and painful, feeling.

I wasn't numb anymore, but at the same time, I feel anything either.

That feeling made me slightly distressed.

I wasn't sure if I felt no pain, because there was none, or because I couldn't feel anything.

Maybe that is what death felt like. Nothing. A void of emptiness. Of loneliness.

I don't think I'm ready to enter that void, to enter my last world.

Actually, I have no idea if it's my last world. Because if I can go from the world of the living to the world of the dead, then maybe I could go back to the world of the living.

Or even another world.

The world of the undead maybe.

And then, I saw the light.

Well, a light.

A bright, blinding light that made me want to hiss and crawl back into my dark corner.

"Ah." I mumble, moving my arm up to cover my eyes.

I got my arm about half way before I realized that there were cords, or something, attached to my arm. Inserted in my arm.

That blinding light must be a hospital light, or something similar.

I started to hear beeping, the kind that came from a heart monitor. Then the chatter that must come from a large group of people around me.

"She's awake!" Someone shrieked and then I heard the panicked footsteps that faded, obviously to escape the room. I would like to do that to, escape the room, that is.

"Welcome back Haven." There was a female voice.

"Haven, can you hear me?" And then there was a male voice.

I grumbled. Trying to get a word out.

"I'll take that as a yes, then." The voice answered me, he must have been a doctor, or nurse, or whatever.

"Now, can you open your eyes?"

I used my mental strength from after I was drugged, and managed to open my eyes. I turned my head to escape the bright light.

"Okay, Haven, can you speak?"

"Yeah." I grumbled.

"Good job dear." There was that female voice again. I didn't bother looking around to connect faces to voices, instead I just let my eyes become accustomed to the bright light, white walls and white tiles on the floor.

Suddenly a pair of black leather shoes appeared in my vision of the floor.

"Can you look up for me please." The male voice was back.

Double the Trouble, and Maybe the FunWhere stories live. Discover now