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I was sitting here, on the couch. Watching and waiting. Although that sounds very creepy, I am waiting for someone to walk down that set of stairs and actually say something to me.

After I got out of the shower, I walked out to find the room empty. So I put on one of the boys boxers and a big tee.

Once I walked out of the room, I noticed just how quiet the house was. I couldn't hear anything, not the creaking of wood, or a shuffle of feet.

It was dead silent.

So here I am now. Waiting. I don't know who I'm waiting for, but I should probably go look for someone instead. Or at least find something to do.

But this couch is so comfy. And the blanket I wrapped around myself is so warm. Maybe I should read a book or something.

I know what! I'll read a book and drink coffee.

So I push myself off the couch and walk to the kitchen. Once I'm in there I start looking around for the coffee machine I saw yesterday. Oh, there it is, over by the toaster.

It's one of those pod machines, so I select one of the purple pods from the stand they're in. I love how organised Kiran's kitchen is.

I press start and walk to where I left my phone overnight. It was fully charged and ready to go. Thank god otherwise I don't know what I would've done.

I hear the coffee stop pouring out, and tuck my phone in the waist band of the boxers I'm wearing.

I take the cup and walk back to the living room. Settling back into my comfy spot, I move a coster onto the arm of the couch. Placing my coffee down to cool, I open my phone and look for my Wattpad app. Opening it, I notice that I have a few notifications.

Checking them, there was an update for Catching My Queen. The sequel to Million Dollar Man. I almost squeal in excitement and open the book immediately.

The whole story of Evelyn and Sebastian was just beautiful. How he thought he was tougher than tough. But she was also strong. How although everything, their love will persist.

She has hurt so much over the year where they weren't together, she just couldn't deal with it. Her panic attacks and depression. When she woke up in a cold sweat, but her newfound friend, Kate, would help her.

She persisted through all that and he finally found her. He caught her, got her back, but can he tame her with the same attitude? Will he have to let her in for her to do the same? Can they make it through everything?

It's just splendid how the plot of the two stories work. How it always keeps you on the edge of your seat, always wanting there to be more.

I honestly don't know what I'd do without this book. It's just such a thrill.

As I flip through the pages, I take quick sips from my coffee. Always on the edge, expecting the unexpected. How could I not, it's just the most amazing, beautiful and creative book I've read in a long time.

The slam of a door knocks me out of the trance the book was taking me too. I almost spill my coffee as I hear the muttering and stomping of someone who is mad.

I turn and watch as Ezra stops angrily down the wooden stairs.

"Oh, so other people were is the house." I say aloud to him. He turns his head sharply to look at me. A scowl on his face.

"Piss off." He grumbles, and continues on walking.

"Excuse me!" I almost scream at him, how dare he talk to me like that. When all I did was make a comment about people being in this fucking house.

I watched him wince and come to a halt. His expression said it all, he regretted it.

"I'm sorry Luna, I'm just in a foul mood." He grunted, obviously displeased he had to apologise, even though he said the wrong thing. Good thing neither of the boys were here.

"It's fine Ezra, but I don't appreciate you telling me to piss off when all I did was make a statement." I express with a smile. "Underneath that hard exterior, there is a good person and I think you should let him out more."

He snorts at my words, but cracks a smile anyway. "Thank you, Luna."

"Come on, I thought we were past that Ezra. Call me Haven." I mention, beaming.

He grins, but starts walking off. "I gotta go, Haven. See you another day." He waves over his shoulder, and disappears round a corner. I hear the door close soon after.

I turn back to my phone and coffee, but soon hear a violent scream. Good goddess, what was that?

I quickly put my coffee down, but hold my phone close to me as I run up the stairs, towards the room Kara and Ezra were in last night.

I throw the door open, ready for any intruders. The adrenaline is pulsing through my blood and my heart is beating fast.

However I soon realise there is no intruders, and it was just a fuming Kara screaming at whatever provoked her. I'm assuming Ezra.

"Kara! You gave me a near heart attack with that scream you let out. I though you were being attacked!" I realise the breath of air I didn't even realise I was holding. And felt my heart beat slow down, back to a normal pace.

She looked up in shock. Why does it seem, that werewolves, even though they have the best hearing and sense of smell, seem to get shocked when upset. Stupid, weak human side.

Kara looked ashamed of whatever she did. "I'm sorry, Ven. It's just he makes me so mad! Yet so..."

"Yet so much better?" I continue for her. It's true, I know what it feels like, and it's awful. But once she finds her mate, she won't feel like that anymore. Mates fix everything.

"Yeah, exactly. Why can't I just find my mate and live happily ever after?" She queries, sadly.

"It's not always that easy, baby. But you'll find him soon enough." I remark. "Maybe he's in my pack, we should check it out. It's worth a try."

Once I said those words, her eyes lit up. "Would you really do that for me?" She asked excitedly.

"Oh course. Anything for a friend."

-and I've finally written chapter 13. It only took me 6 days to start and an hour or so to finish. Not too bad if I say so myself. And honestly go read Million Dollar Man it is absolutely amazing and perfection.
I'm so happy this book almost has 2k reads and I love you all so much thank you so so much.
I need to expand my vocabulary, I was using a thesaurus because I couldn't think of any different words to use.

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