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Once we had come to the edge of the forest, near the porch. I started shifting, but that was before I heard two voices, two voices I had never forgotten.

"She's here! You dimwitted fool, the boss said so." The deeper voice of the two, said in a loud whisper. I only heard it because of my super-human hearing.

"Maybe she left! Why is the boss always right!" Exclaimed the higher pitched one.

"Because he's the boss, of course he's always right." The deeper one told he's obviously stupid partner.

"It wasn't a question, buffoon." The stupider one said, raising his voice.

They're really bad at keeping their voices down, I wonder what they are trying to do. Sounds like they're going to abduct someone. Which is weird cause they don't smell like wolves, more like human.

If they wanted to abduct a wolf, they would have to have a powerful serum to hold the wolf back from fighting.

"Hello, who's there?" Samuels voice rang out, scaring off the intruders. I wouldn't doubt they would be back.

I pull on the clothes I had left behind the tree and ran quickly to the door, whoever was out there could still be waiting to abduct another.

"Sam!" I called out, running to catch him before he turned the corner.

"Haven," he greeted me with a smile that quickly fell away. "Where have you been?"

His eyes ran over my disheveled appearance. "I was out, running. But when I got back there were two strangers our front. And they were talking about how someone should be here, like they were going to abduct them."

I wasn't scared for myself. No, no, I'm definitely not worried for myself, if they're going to come at me, I'm worried for them. Weak, petty humans.

I'm far more worried for whoever else 'she' could be. I need to talk to my dad and make sure everyone in the pack is ready to protect themselves, and anyone else who cannot help themselves.

"Oh shit, really? We better go tell your dad, he'll get something done about it." Samuel said, speeding up his pace and I struggled to keep up.

Men and their long legs.

We burst into his office without a knock, and I watched how he jumped out of his seat as soon as we had opened the door.

"What is it?" He asked, worried.

"I overheard some strange men outside the house..." I started, explaining everything to him. Even how cocky I am not to worry about myself.

"We need to make sure the pack is ready to defend themselves against anyone strange." My dad confirmed my thoughts. "Do you think you could stay another few days?" He asked after I agreed with him.

"Oh," was all I said.

"I understand if you can't, but it would be a big help, sunshine. This also will be your pack soon enough, they need to know that you'll do anything to make sure they're safe." Dad reasoned with me.

"I told the boys I would go back tomorrow, but I'm sure they'll understand if I have to stay longer." It is my pack after all.

"They'll understand, they do have packs of their own. Maybe even ask if they can come down and help." Samuel suggested.

"That's a good idea, I'll call them in the morning." I mumbled with a yawn.

Looking over at the clock, I realized it was 1:26am.

"You look tired, you should get some rest. Good night possum." Dad smiled at me, and I felt my eyelids droop.

I lent over the desk and have him a kiss of he cheek. "Good night." I told them both before heading to my old room. Funny how I'm already calling it my old room. Not long ago, it was my room. A lot has changed.

When I reach the alpha floor, I heard soft voices coming from Roman's room. I think Kara took up my advice on just sitting down and talking.

It's good that they can get to know each other's personally, rather than just their bodies.

Physical relationships never work out, they've got to be close emotionally for the relationship to work.

You should be a relationship councilor. Amazon's words made me laugh out loud.

"You're crazy." I said softly, opening the door to the bedroom. It was exactly how I left it, bed unmade and clothes still strewn on the floor.

Basically, it was messy. And I'm not even a messy person, it was because I was in such a rush to get packed, the clothes I didn't want to bring got thrown on the floor. I start to walk around the room to the closet.

First, I pull out a pair of sweatpants and a green tank top. Stripping off everything but my underwear, I quickly pull the comfortable clothes on and left today's clothes on the floor.

I bring down a large bag, and stuff it with the clothes left in my closet and the ones I had thrown on the ground.

Once the bag was stuffed to the brim, and I could barely close it, I left it at the door.

Walking over to my bed, I pulled the blue sheets up to the bed head, making it fairly neat before pulling the whole thing back and hoping in. I pulled the blankets up to my chin and snuggled right down so I was almost fully covered.

But that was when I realized, I hadn't turned the light off! Now I had to get out of my already warm bed, and turn the light off. Goddamn.

Flicking on the lap beside my bed, I dragged myself from the warmth of the sheets and onto the soft carpet. The light switch was on the other side of the room, near the door and my bed was under the window, the furthest wall away from that stupid door and light switch.

"Someone needs to move this stupid light switch." I told no one in particular.

"I'll move it for you." Said a mysterious voice. I swung my body around and saw...

-sorry not sorry LOL. Wow over 6k reads THANK YOU SO MUCH. I'm dying it's one of my biggest achievements on Wattpad, well besides reaching 20 chapters. Can I get a congrats for that lol.
It's early cause I feel like my readers deserve it yay

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